Chapter 6: Jacob

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I took a deep drag of my cigarette. The nicotine teased my taste buds before I blew out the smoke. I was ouside my aunt's house. My parents haven't talked to me since the incident in the kitchen. I shook my head. What do I care for? I grabbed my duffel bag and walked up to the door. Before I could knock, the door swung open.

"Jakey!" My aunt yelled. She was a good 6 inches shorter than me with colorful hair. She was on the pudgy side, and was wearing a large plum colored dress. She grabbed my face, pinching my cheeks, bent me to her, and gave me a huge kiss on the cheek.  Ewww.

"Come in!" I walked in closing the door behind me. I wiped the greasy residue from her lipstick off my face, as she led me to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" I shook my head. She walked towards me, and yanked the cigarette out of my mouth.

"Here we don't smoke, young man. Understand?" I rolled my eyes, but nodded nonetheless. 

"Well your room is upstairs so if you wan't to get situated-" I stood up, already moving towards the stairs. "Okkayyy."

I walked to 'my' room and plopped on the bed. It wasn't so bad. The only problem was it smelled like moldy cheese, dust, and oil. Not a good smell. At least I had a television. I turned it on, switching to BET, 106&Park was my show. Rocsi was going to be my future wife.

My aunt suddenly walked in. She dopped an envelope on my chest. "What's this," I said.

"Your school information. I know you just got here, but tomorrow you will be going to school. Wilson something another. Everything is in there." She turned and walked out. Leaving the door wide open. I hated that. I closed it and threw the envelope on the ground. i would think about that later. I set an alarm on my phone.

I walked across the room and placed my bag on the dresser. I stripped getting ready for bed. I hope Aunt Cathy didn't have a problem with the fact that I slept naked. I smirked. That would sure give the old bag a heart attack. I slid under the covers. God this bed felt good. I closed my eyes, and was asleep instantly.

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