Chapter 21:Kiana

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If you told me a couple days ago that i would be sprawled across Jacob's lap, in the most intense make-out session ever, I would have told you to be checked into an insane asylum.

But the truth was, that was exactly what was happening. My hands framed his face, loving the smooth silk of his jaw. Our mouths were fused together, clashing over and over. The passion was intense, sparks flying every which way. His hands were wound tightly around me, hugging me to his body. My legs were on either side of his causing me to be slightly taller, his neck tilted up to receive my kisses. His mouth left mine to trail soft kisses down my neck. He nipped my right collarbone.

Reality slapped me in the face. What the hell was I doing? I hopped off his lap. His eyes snapped open to glare at me. He looked beautiful, his hair tangled from my hands pulled, his lips looked as swollen as mine felt. 

"What are we doing?" I asked quietly. He smirked.

"It's called a 'makeout', and if you come back, I can show you it gets a lot better..."

I rolled my eyes. Why did I even bother? 


"Why do you keep asking why? Is it so hard to believe that I want you?" Actually it was. Why would he want me. I was plain, boring, and he... He was a modern god.

"Why do you want me?" I blurted.

He looked baffled. "Why? You're beautiful, smart-"

"You can't want me!" I screamed. It came out of nowhere. All of a sudden I was angry, emotions flooding my body. 

"And why not?" He looked slightly angry.

'My own father doesn't want me! How can you?!"

I clamped my hand over my mouth. What the f*ck? I started running. I needed to get out of there. I needed air. I felt like I couldn't breath. 

I heard Jacob's footsteps behind me. I made it outside before I realized I left my keys inside. 

"F*CK!!" I screamed. The tears started then. I glanced up and saw Jacob. I wasn't ready for this. I couldn't do this. Looks like I would have to be, Jacob wasn't going to leave. I could see it in his eyes.  


RealityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora