Chapter 2:Kiana

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12:56 am. It was time. I had to do this. I loved my family, but I couldn't take any more. I crept down the hall, stopping in my sisters' room. I knelt by Ricquel's bed. She slept soundly. I kissed her curls and a tear escaped my eye, sliding down my cheeking landing softly in her hair.

No more! I shook my head. I couldn't afford this. I had to go. I crossed the room and kissed Linda's forehead. I stopped once more, placing one last kiss on my baby brother Ryder's cheek. He was 8 months. I wanted to cry. I wasn't going to be able to watch him grow up. 

I tiptoed past my mom's room. I heard her snores and I wanted so much to go in and whisper good-bye, but it was too much of a risk. Making my way, sneakily, down the stairs, I made my final stop. The kitchen table. I placed my note. I walked to the door. I took one last glance around the house blackened by night. I unlocked the door. The light turned on. SH*T! 

I turned around, and guess who was standing there? Yep, my mom. Donned in her purple terrycloth robe, she stood on the last step, her hands on her hips. She looked pissed.

"Just where do you think you are going?"

I stood straight, ready. "I'm leaving."

"At one in the morning?" 

I nodded.

"Are you dying?' 




"Well, then I don't understand why the hell you are downstairs, and not upstairs asleep!"

"I'm leaving." I stated simply.

"Where are you going to go?"

"To my dad's."

She looked at me for a minute, then started laughing. The laughs racked her small frame so hard, she almost fell. She walked to the dining room table, and sat down. She continuing to laugh, making me frown. "What's so funny?"

She looked at me, giggling, and said, "The fact that you think you're just going to leave. And go to your father's"

"I don't understand how that's funny."

"Sweetheart, you're dad called me. He lives in Australia now. There's no way in hell you can go there... especially without a passport."

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