Chapter 9:Kiana

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I couldn't believe that a**hole! How dare he grope me like that! Not that it didn't feel good but- No! that was simply wrong. I didn't know him from Adam. Ugh. I stalked into class. I was late, and everyone looked up at me. 

Jacob came in right after me. I refused to look at him.

"Seems like we have some newbies. Your names?"



"Well Kiana; Jacob. We are a full class, you two will sit in the back, next to each other. Books are on the back counter. Please turn to chapter 8 page 124, and start on the mitosis section questions."

I walked to the back and sat down, groaning when he sat next me to me. He set a book in font of me. I rolled my eyes. It was official. I hated this school.

I started working immediately, ignoring him. That didn't work for long. He slouched casing him to be closer to me. His arm touched mine, and I could smell him. He smelled clean. Manly. No overbearing cologne designed to burn your nose hairs. Nice. Heady. Fresh. Damn him.

I inhaled his scent an almost sighed out loud. He disturbed my senses. I shook my head. I continued working and then I felt a piece of paper hit my elbow. 

Are you ok? Damn. He even had nice handwriting. 

No thanks to you. I wrote. Ass.

He chuckled quietly. I'm sorry, it really was an accident, please forgive me. :( He scibbled back.

When hell freezes over. Now leave me alone.

:/ okay

I finished my work. Then the teacher started talking. "As you all know, we are doing a project on Mitosis and it is due in two weeks. Now it is a partner project. Look next to you and say hello to your new partner." F*ck!

He passed out guidelines. "Now I want this to be a joint thing. I won't be giving you any time in class, so his has to be done outside of class. I would suggest exchanging numbers, emails whatever. I-"

The bell rung. "Well, see you tomorrow, class."

I got up and gathered my stuff. As I was walking outside I felt a hand grab my elbow.

I turned swiftly knocking into Jacob. I hissed. "What the hell do you want?"

"You heard the teacher... We're partners, which means we'll have to work on this together."

I groaned. "Can't I just do it and put your name on it?"

"No. That would be lying. You want to get together after school?"

"What choice do I have?"

"None, I guess. Meet me by the front building after school and we can discuss this."


I turned, but not before I saw his devilish grin. Bastard. 

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