Chapter 15:Kiana

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I ran out of the house, and sprinted to my car. My heel caught in a crack, making me fall. I started crying, as I slowly sat up. I took off my broken heel, and stood up. I hobbled to my car, my tears burning the cut i must have on my face. I raced home, breaking all kinds of traffic laws. I walked in the house, and my mom gasped as she saw me.

"Sweetheart! What happened?!"

"I don't want to talk about it." I walked to my room, stripping. I turned on the shower and while it was heating, I looked in the mirror.  I had a small cut on my cheek, my eyes were bright, and my skin red. My lips were swollen, bee-stung from his kisses. i touched my lips, and gasped as they tingled.

I clenched my fists. I still couldn't believe that Neanderthal had the gall to kiss me! And how dare he claim that kiss was his? Wasn't it him, who just this morning, acted like a total jerk to me?? Yes. Yes, it was. I stepped in the shower.

I hissed as the hot water hit other cuts on my body. I stood under the spray, letting it wash over me. I smoothed my hair back. As I washed I tried to forget how wonderful his lips felt on mine. Images raced through my mine. I wanted so bad to kiss him again. No I didn't. Gah! He had me tied in small knots. On one hand, I hated him so much! 'Accidentally' groping me, being an a**, kissing me! But, on the other hand, I wanted him so much. I felt his presence every time he was around, sparks flew when he touched, and he kissed like nobody's business.

I don't know what I want. Angrily, I stepped out of the shower, and wrapped a towel around me. I wrapped my hair, and dressed in my pajamas. That night, I dreamed of Jacob; his touch, his smell. His kiss. Dammit.

*The Next Day (Saturday)*

I was sleeping peacefully, but was awoken by my phone chirping. I had a text.


I'm really srry about wat happnd last nite, but we still need 2 work on this project...

That insufferable bastard! I quickly replied: 

No, we don't. Lose my #, I'll do this by myself.

No reply. 

I quickly dressed. I needed peace and quiet. I grabbed my laptop, and headed to Starbucks. At least they had free wi-fi. I was greeted at the counter with a smile.

"What can I get you, ma'am?"

"Ummm, I'd like a Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino. Extra Ice, Extra chocolate syrup, whip cream on bottom, and please don't overdose on the mocha."

She looked surprised. "Anything else?"

"Yeah, a Turkey and Swiss, toasted with extra mustard, and no mayo. Um... a small bowl of Caramel Macchiato ice cream, a marshmallow dream bar, and... well, that's it."

She stared. I snapped, "I've had a bad week!"

She shook her head, " I'm sorry that'll be 15.64.."

I handed her a twenty. "4.36 is your change. You are number 21"

After I got my stuff, I sat down and sat down my computer. As soon as I dug into my sandwich, I spotted Jacob at the counter. F*ck. He spotted me, as if I had yelled his name. He paid and started walking towards me. Sh*t.

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