lucas gave the older a look before letting his back face him. he's trying not to sulk but he can't help it, he was jealous.

meanwhile, jungwoo was thinking that lucas was taking his role as a boyfriend. getting jealous and such, not like he is complaining.

it's just that, it would be better if what they had was real.



what are you shouting at?

you shouted at me first!

because you won't answer me!

now that i'm answering you, what do you want!?

jungwoo was about to shout back but froze when he saw the younger's shoulders go up and then down. he flipped lucas and then had his eyes widened when he saw the younger biting his lips to prevent the tears from falling.

why are you crying?

i am not!❞ lucas covered his face for jungwoo not to see.

the older softened and showed a small smile. they had grown but lucas will still stay the same, he is still the cry baby lucas jungwoo had grew up with, ❝don't cry.

i said-❞ his tears decided to betray him the moment jungwoo hugged him, ❝don't make me jealous again, okay?

alright, my boyfriend.❞ the older giggled, patting the younger's back to stop him from crying.

they may or may have not forgotten that the relationship they are having right now is not real, only a wish that jungwoo made.


the said male hummed in response, pulling himself from the hug only to see lucas having red puffy eyes. it hurt him seeing the younger cry but it's funny that making him jealous made him cry. it's either he gets mad or cry because of jealousy.

i'm your boyfriend.❞ lucas said, reminding jungwoo.

jungwoo nodded, ❝yes you are.

totally had forgotten that this happened because of a wish.

and as a boyfriend, i can do what boyfriends do.. right?❞ lucas said, looking down at those lips that he had been wanting to taste ever since his heart started to beat for jungwoo.

jungwoo noticed the younger's eyes going down, he too can't help but look at lucas' lips. not going to lie, he had been having those innocent fantasies of being kissed by lucas. under the beautiful night sky, that is, or under some kind of background goals. not inside their shared room inside chenle's beach house.

but who is he to get choosy in kissing? everywhere is fine and he'll find it romantic, as long as it's lucas.

what do boyfriends do?

this..❞ lucas started to lean down, eyes closed.

the thing inside jungwoo's chest is starting to beat like crazy, so crazy, cannot be controlled. it felt like it's going to come out of his chest any minute now.

lucas is going to kiss him. not like it's his first kiss. he had been kissed by his parents on the cheeks, donghyuck had also tried kissing him and he swore he saw mark sending him daggers with his glare. who is he kidding, it's his first kiss on the lips. he honestly doesn't know if lucas knows about him not yet having his first kiss, but whatever lucas is doing right now he doesn't want to stop.

he gulped, trying not to show that he was panicking on a high level.

and the kiss came.

a kiss on the cheeks, ❝that.

and immediately, jungwoo's cheeks started to heat up. as red as a tomato, ❝o-oh..

just a kiss on the cheeks, but it already made his heart burst. what more if it was a kiss on the lips, he probably would pass out.

i can also do that too, right?

lucas looked away, god this is so awkward. they are like those newly made couple that had just started their first day of their relationship, so unsure of what to do, ❝y-yeah..

still a blushing mess, jungwoo cleared his throat and tried to compose himself. he leaned forward, excited to place a kiss on the younger's kiss.

my beloved hyung-


chenle covered his mouth, regretted opening the door without knocking. and now he witnessed jungwoo kissing lucas, on the cheeks of course. but almost, it almost touched his lips, ❝oh my god.

jungwoo scooted very far away from lucas who's frozen. just because of the kiss, he became ice. probably still processing jungwoo's lips almost touching his. damn it, he cursed mentally, if only it touched.

t-taeyong hyung is calling for a meeting downstairs.❞ chenle said quickly, his feet dragging him out from their sight.

silently, they went out. not talking to each other. they were silent but looked very shocked. their minds, despite the silence surrounding them, were very messy and loud. they were scolding theirselves for doing that. but nonetheless, deep inside, they admit that feeling they had a while ago was nice.

having the whole zoo inside your stomach is one nice feeling.

they were the last people to arrive and everyone was already gathered around taeyong who's standing in the middle. now that everyone is present, taeyong cleared his throat and silenced everyone up.

tomorrow is our last day,❞ taeyong said with a smile, ❝enjoy your last day doing anything you like. minors,❞ the male turned to the kids innocently sitting, giving him innocent looks, ❝know your place.

that made the others let out giggles and snort, taeyong stared at each one of them with a look. the same warning look he gave to the minors in their circle of friends.

to those who are legal, please don't do anything stupid.❞ taeyong turned to look at ten specifically, ❝do you understand?

should ten be the only one to answer or should we all-

do you all understand?❞ taeyong cuts off yuta, raising his voice a little bit that made even the minors answer a big fat yes.

clapping his hands while yawning, he gave each one of them a sweet smile.

that's all, enjoy your last day tomorrow.

t b c

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