Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

            Minx slowly wakes up. Her body is leaned on the corner of the room. She blinks multiple times, her vision clearing up and the muffles of sound turning into voices. The voices were unfamiliar at first but as she lifts her head, she could recognize them.

“…the door! I tried my best. I’m sorry Ken but we’re stuck here. Do you still have your gun?” Pewds said.

“No. I told you, they took all my stuff. We have to get out somehow. Maybe Minx would know what to do.” Ken suggested.

“She’s still unconscious.” Pewds replies.

“No she’s not. Minx?” Marzia asks Minx as she limped towards her. Minx looks up, her vision clearing. She clears her throat. Minx asks the first thing on her mind.

“Where’s Krism?” Minx whispered, her voice cracking.

“What she say?” Pewds asks, confused.

“She asked about Krism.” Marzia answered.

“Ah shit…” Ken whispered before turning towards the door, not wanting to be part of the conversation.

“Where is my Krism?” Minx repeated loudly.

“Krism hasn’t woken up ever since we got ambushed. She’s still breathing but…we think she’s in a coma or something” Marzia answered Minx’s question. Minx’s eyes start to water.

It was silent for a minute…

“Where are we?” Minx looks around the room.

It was a steel room with a single metal door and a speaker on the top corner of the room. Pewds and Ken are standing in front of the metal door while Marzia is standing in front of Minx. Krism is laying down on top of a few clothing from the group, not moving.

“The fucker, Cry! He and that asshole attacked us and locked us in here. They threw us in here. We’re trapped!” Pewds yells towards the door, banging on it a couple times. Marzia sits down next to Minx.

“How’s your leg?” Minx asks Marzia. Marzia touches her splint.

“It’s alright. I feel it getting a bit better with the splint but it’s still broken. What about you? You seem pretty beaten up.” Marzia uses her sleeve to wipe away a drop of blood from Minx’s forehead.

“I’m okay. They beat me down before they knocked me out.” Minx explained. Marzia only nodded her head before looking down at the ground.

“We can’t just sit here and conversate! We have to get out of here.” Pewds started to freak out.

“Pewds! Shut up! It’s not like we can do anything else. We can work together to figure this out. Have you tried opening the damn door?” Minx suggested. Pewds’ facial expression went from scared to annoyed.

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