Chapter 11

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Hello Everyone! The Crazy B has returned with a new chapter! I'm sorry for making you guys wait. I feel a little better now. Thank you all for your support. Here is the chapter....


Chapter 11

Queen Minx P.O.V

            “We have arrived, M’lady,” The driver of the carriage said, opening the door. I nod my head, standing up. I let everyone else get off first before jumping out myself. We have arrived in front of Victubia Asylum. I almost forgot about this place, mostly because I never get any information coming in nor out from here. Strange...

“My back is killing me!” Pewds yells out in his Sweden accent, stretching his legs.

“Well, the seats aren’t exactly… Perfect for everyone. That’s why I walk most of the time.” I said, putting my arm around Krism.

“Psh! So? You’re queen. You should get better cars. Invent or something.” Pewds says, his left hand rubbing the back of his neck.

“Transportation isn’t that important. Now quit whining! Let’s go!” Cry says, obviously in a rush.

As we were walking down the dirt track, leading to the front doors of the mysterious building, Krism leaned in and whispered to me.

“Minx, I need to tell you something important that happened.” Krism whispered into my left ear. I stop, waiting for her to tell me.

“Yeah?” I said, curiously.

“While we were in the carriage, my-” Krism begun but was interrupted by Cry’s whining.

“Minxy Moo! Come on. Stop flirting! We don’t have all day!” Cry said, already standing in front of the big doors.

“Cry, shut up. We’re going. Come on Krism. We don’t want Cry having a tantrum.” I said, grabbing Krism’s hand and walking quickly towards the group. Krism sighed loudly. Cry holds the door open for us to enter.

We walk inside the asylum, slowly walking towards the front desk. The person seemed to be reading a newspaper, covering their entire face from view. I clear my throat, trying to get the person’s attention. The person, a young woman that I don’t recognize, looks up from her newspaper. Her eyes widen as she realizes who I was. She fixes her shirt, stands up, and clears her throat.

“Queen Minx. It’s an honor to see you standing in front of me. May I help you?” The woman bows down a little, then waits for me to respond.

“I need to look around the asylum. Is there anything I should know before I go on?” I asked, looking directly at her. Her expression changes. She looks worried.

“There was a patient that escaped. Officer Lizzy is investigating the ‘crime scene’, as she calls it. I’m sure you would want to see that first. The room is C-12. Go downstairs and the room is on the left side.” The woman explains, pointing down the hall. She opens the door for us to enter as we walk towards the scene.

Who’s officer Lizzy?” Krism asks as we walk down the hall of Floor C.

“That would be me.” A young woman with pink hair walks in front of us. She is wearing her uniform but it seems to be customized differently. Her sword, hanging from her belt.

“Lizzy, do you have any information as to what happened?” I asked. Lizzy turns around, facing away from us. Her expression is serious. I clench my jaw, expecting something really bad to happen.

“You better come see this for yourself. Follow, please.” Lizzy says, waving her hand in the air as a gesture. I look at everyone, worried.

We slowly walk behind her, following her through the hallways. We reached a hallway that had pieces of debree scattered around the metal floors. I look to my left to see a massive hole in the wall inside a room, leading to the forest that surrounded the asylum. This must be where the patient escaped. The room was very small, the walls made out of solid metal, only a metal bed and a toilet, each on a corner of the room. The only possible light was from the hole in the wall. The walls were written with different markings, all in which was unknown to me. Tally marks were marked on the left side of the bed, like a calendar. I focus my attention back towards Lizzy.

“I recognize the burnt markings around the hole as an explosive spell. Someone blew up the wall and let the crazy man escape. The patient was Tom Syndicate, cases of Schizophrenia, Amnesia, and other mental illness.” Lizzy explained, her back towards us as she gently touched the edges around the burnt markings.

“So magic was used here?” I asked.

“Yes. VOX magic is the only magic here in Victubia.” Lizzy said, turning around to look at the group.

“I thought Cry was the only one who knew VOX magic. Anyone who learns VOX magic dies from the suicidal training.” Someone says from the corner of the room. Ken immediately pulls out his revolver and points it at the figure. Shadow walks out from the dark corner, her hands up in the air, sarcastically smiling. Ken sighs, her body relaxing as he puts away the gun. I look back at Lizzy for answers. She’s still a bit confused about a random person emerging from the shadows, like a ghost.

“Okay? Anyways. That’s what I thought. If it isn’t Cry who did this, then who could be capable of this crime?”

“When I used to be a student at VOX Magic School of Arts, I remember there being a library that held all the ancient spells and magicians from around the world, from different periods of time. It was abandoned but I’m sure the books are still inside. Maybe we could look into Victubia and see if there is someone that knows VOX magic that’s still alive. Worth a shot.” Cry explains, crossing his arms. I never heard of this library so my suspicion was high.

“There’s a library?” Marzia asks, amazed.

“Yeah. It’s a mile away from the school; just follow the dirt road towards it. It was meant to be away from the school for protection.” Cry explains further more.

“So, the plan is to read a bunch of books to get information about magic. What if the culprit here is standing in this room, wearing a mask?” Shadow says, pointing at Cry, obviously confused by the situation. Krism grabs my hand and squeezes it. I quickly look at her and notice that she was grinding her teeth, her red eye glowing a little.

“Shadow. Enough. Cry is innocent. He couldn’t have done this because he’s been with us the entire time. Now, we will follow Cry to this library and figure out what to do from there. Thank you, Lizzy, for your information.” I nod my head towards Lizzy.

Shadow sighs loudly as she walks out of the room. The group takes a minute, in silence, to look at each other. Worried. Everyone looks exhausted and stressed out at the moment. Krism is taking deep breaths to calm herself down, other than that, everyone seems to be calm.

“To the library, I guess.” Pewds says, with a tired tone. Everyone sighs and walk out of the room. I thanked Lizzy again and walk down the hallway, following the group.

To the VOX Magic Abandoned Library….


Okay! Lizzy is also known as LDShadowLady by the way. This chapter is a little shorter than the other ones but don't worry. Next chapter will be much longer. So the group is now going to the library! Spooky!

Let's see what happens next! 

Comment your opinion on the chapter. 

I hooe you enjoyed the return of: The Hidden Secret.

Well, bye!

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