Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

 Lady Krism P.O.V

I notice Minx staring at not at me, something behind me. Something’s wrong. I can tell by her confused expression on her face. I was explaining the date of our wedding but she didn’t seem to pay attention to it. She isn’t the type of person to ignore plans like this so I know that whatever she was looking at, was something weird.

“Minx, honey, is something wrong?” I asked, getting worried now. Minx doesn’t answer my question, instead she studies more of what she’s looking at. I turn and look at exactly what’s so interesting to her. She’s staring at the back door but why? I look at the door up and down, but notice nothing. Until I see it. Smoke is coming out of the bottom of the door. I started to panic a little. I turn to look at my friends who are talking to each other, obviously not realizing the smoke. I stand up quickly, Minx stands up as well.

“Guys...there’s a fire…” I said quietly. I didn’t want them to start and panic, leading to everyone else panicking and causing bigger problems. They look at me like I drank too much.

“What?” Pewds asks, more curious than worried.

“There is a fire…I’m trying to be quiet so people won’t panic…” I said again, a little louder but not loud enough for others to hear.

“What?! We can’t hear you.” Pewds yells out. I smell something burning and immediately look up at the ceiling. It’s literally on fire.

“Shit! Guys! Fire! We have to go! Now!” Minx yells out. I look back at the back door, where the source of the fire might have started and realized that, the back door was burned down by the fire. Now it’s getting completely serious. We hear someone yelling and I turn my head to see who it was. It was Cry.

Cry was freaking out yelling out things like ‘what happened’ or ‘what the heck’ and the most popular ‘my bar!’. Cry runs behind the counter, where the rare drinks are at, and he tries to use his magic to put out the fire, only making it worse. Everyone started running and leaving from the front door, freaking out. I look for Minx and see her trying to calm Cry down and tell him to leave but Cry wouldn’t move. I stood there, trying to figure out what to do. I should be running but I don’t want to leave Minx. The ceiling starts to collapse and I yell out Minx’s name, trying to get her attention.

“Minx!” I yell out. She didn’t hear me at first but she heard when I yelled out the second time. “Minx!” She turns around and looks at me. She drags Cry from the bar to the middle of the room. I was going to reach for her and run but Snake picks me up and started running to the exit. I don’t want to leave Minx. I reach out my hand, expecting her to grab it and run with me but I know she couldn’t. I yell out her name one more time, crying from both the smoke and the pain of leaving her.

“Minx! No! No!” I yell out trying to loosen up from Snake’s grasp but he was too strong. He led me out of the burning bar. Once we stepped outside, the main entrance collapsed. No… No… Minx! Snake let go of me when we were about 50-75 yards from the bar. When he let go of me, instead of standing up immediately, I drop to the ground on my knees. I imagine Minx trapped with Cry and yelling out for help but nobody can hear her cries. I was thinking of running back into the bar and rescuing her but I don’t think I’ll be able to.

The mayor arrives with her mods a few minutes after the fire started. The mayor, known as Gabbi, runs to the front of the burning building and starts using her water abilities, and the abilities that her mods had, and tries to put out the fire.

It’s almost impossible to wait here while my fiancée is probably roasting like a cooking chicken. I wipe the tears from my face and stand up, ready to run and try to save her. But it seems as if Zeigs knew my plan and grabs my arms, stopping me from running.

“Zeigs! Pl- Please. Minx and Cry are in there still! We- We have got to help them! We can’t just sit here and wait for it to end.” I beg for her to let me go. I could see tears form in her eyes but all she does is close her eyes, sits down next to me and hugs me.

I have to sit here and watch as the bar slowly burns to dust. I couldn’t hold back the tears and I start crying my heart out. Today was suppose to be a calm and good day, not a day where the love of my life slowly burns. I couldn’t watch what happens next so I cover my face from the view with my hands as I sit there, on my knees, crying. I don’t know if Minx and/or Cry would be able to escape from the burning flames.

I whisper to myself, “Please, please be okay Minx. Please…” It was the only way and the only thing I could do to try and calm myself down.

Hey guys! I was able to create and upload Chapter 3 and 4 today. I hope you're happy about that e.e.... I can't just leave everything to be all happy and problem-free so something HAD to happen on Queen Minx's birthday.  It can never be so calm and nice for too long. Anyways! So the question now is, "Will Minx and Cry survive?" Find out in the next chapter! Also, comment your opinion on this chapter, I would like to see how you reacted about this chapter. 

Well, bye!


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