Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Queen Minx P.O.V

My head is pounding…

My vision is blurry as I try to open my eyes.

What happened?

I was reading a book then I talked to Krism…

As my vision started to sharpen, I lift my body enough to look around the room

It’s not a room… It’s a carriage.

I move my head from side-to-side, trying to figure out why I was in a carriage. I move enough to see the driver. Someone was wearing a white mask…


Then the memory hit me like a ton of bricks.

Cry attacked us and someone nearly killed Shadow.

“Cr-Cry?” I tried to say calmly but my voice thought otherwise. I choke out the words as I coughed. Krism’s head rises up quickly, hearing my voice.

“Minx! Bebeh! You’re okay!” Krism squealed as she hugs me tightly, kissing my cheek numerous times. I smile at her affection towards me. The carriage instantly stops moving and I almost bang my head onto the ceiling of the vehicle.

“Cry! What the hell?” Pewds yells out, holding his forehead.

“Sorry guys but I need to explain things to you quickly.” Cry says as he climbs into the carriage, sitting next to me. Krism’s full attention was on Cry as he moved seats.

“Okay. Guys. I was controlled by him. I swear. I would never try to harm you guys. I woke up to all of you guys unconscious so I went outside to look for help. Then, I saw a traveller on a carriage. I gave him 50 coins for his carriage and he helped me carry you guys inside. Then each one of you guys woke up.” Cry explained quickly, his voice very shaky.

“Bullshit! You’re working for him. The guy in the shadow tried to shoot ME. You gave him the signal! I’m lucky Shadow was there to-” Krism yelled out until she realized what happened. Krism continued….

“Shit! Shadow! He got her! Quick! We gotta go back there and find her.” Krism starts to hyperventilate. She jumps out of the carriage and waits for everyone to follow behind her.

Nobody agreed.

My head starts throbbing in pain. I close my eyes, trying to ease the pain but failed. I open my eyes and leaned onto the wall.

“She’s probably dead…” Pewds shrugged his shoulders, climbing out of the vehicle.

“How can you be so cold-hearted about this? We have to go back and save her like how she saved me.” Krism argues, walking towards Pewds. Marzia walks in-between the two.

“Maybe someone can go back there to get her?” Marzia suggests.

“I’ll go.” Ken says, grabbing his revolver from its holster.

“I’ll go as well.” Pewds says, raising his hands.

“Are you sure, Felix?” Marzia asks, worryingly. Pewds nods as he plants a kiss on her warm cheeks. I feel nauseous as the area spins due to my headache.

“Ugh… Guys? I think we should just go back to Victubia and figure things out from there. Pewds and Ken can go ahead and try to find any clues as to where Shadow went. Right now, I’m not feeling like just sitting here, in the middle of this dirt road, in pain.” I declare. Cry climbs out of the carriage and fixes his cracked mask.

“I can go too!” Cry says. Krism did not like that idea.

“Go? You caused this!” Krism says, annoyed.

“I was controlled by him! Besides, you need to stay here and protect the queen, your Fiancée. I can use my spells to track down a few clues with Pewds and Ken.” Cry says, pointing at himself, towards me, then at Pewds; gesturing his plan. Krism crossed her arms and sighs, defeated.

“I don’t care who goes. As long as we get SOMETHING. Marzia, come with Krism and I back to Victubia while the men do the work.” I said, climbing to the front of the carriage.

“Okay, Minx. Pewds, please be careful. I love you.” Marzia hugs Pewds, kissing him. Krism makes one last glare at Cry before helping Marzia climb into the carriage.

Before riding back, Cry walks next to me.

“I barely started driving so you’re not even halfway there. It’ll take a while. We’ll be back with Shadow so don’t worry.” Cry whispers to me while the rest of the group discusses the plan behind me.

“Don’t worry, Cry. I got this!” I said, putting on a fake smile. Cry pats me in the shoulder before walking away.

“Wait… Before you go…” Cry says, walking back to me.


“You believe me, right?” Cry asks in a sad voice.

“Of course, Cry. I do believe you. Don’t worry. Krism is just stressed out and worried about me getting injured. She’ll get over it.” I said, trying to reassure my trust in him.

He simply nods and walks back to the group.

“Ready?” I yell out. Pewds, Cry, and Ken wave goodbye before walking towards the library.

“Okay,” I say, getting comfortable in my seat.

“Let’s do this!” Krism says, determined. I nod my head in agreement


Hello! Chapter 14 is here...

I'm a bit stressed out right now because next week...I start High School....yay? No. I'm terrified but oh well. 

My birthday is coming up also! about 5 weeks!

September 10!!!

I'm excited!

Well...back to the story!

Ken, Cry, and Pewds are going back to the library to get Shadow back while Krism, Minx, and Marzia ride back to Victubia. 

Find out what happens in the next chapter!

Well, bye!

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