Chapter 10(Part 2)

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Chapter 10 (Part 2)

Lady Krism P.O.V

I had to wait for everyone to go to their seats before I was able to find my own. I decided to sit near the door, for precautions.

“To the asylum! An hour drive to it.” Pewds says as he sits down. One hour of sitting down in a carriage. There’s bound to be something bad ready to attack us. I lean on the door next to me, looking out the tiny window as we slowly drive away from the gates of Victubia. I go deep into my thoughts, shutting all sounds around me. I was thinking about everything, my life; how it was then, my fiancé, my new friends.

My thoughts were interrupted with hearing Minx gasp loudly.

I turn quickly to her, extremely worried. I look around the carriage. Did anybody else hear her or was it just me? Everyone was in their own conversations. I notice Shadow sitting extremely close to Minx. I started to feel uncomfortable and protective, like if she was a threat to Minx. Minx quickly looks at me, confused as to why I was looking at her. I feel my red eye slowly glowing. No!

I quickly look outside the window, trying to calm myself down.

Calm down, Krism. It’s just a misunderstanding. Then something weird happened…

My vision goes white and the carriage changes into nothing but white. I could feel BOTH my eyes glow red. I look around, hoping someone could explain this sudden change. But everyone disappeared, except Minx and Shadow. In fact, they were both glowing red. What the hell is happening? I try to speak but I was in no control of my body, only my thoughts. A voice spoke from the back of my mind.


Do I sense jealousy?

Who are you? What the hell is happening to my vision?

Calm down, it’s just a hallucination. But, look.

My head gets turned to Minx and Shadow. I’m in no control.

That. See? Someone’s trying to take your precious Queen from you. Why aren’t you doing anything, Krism?

You didn’t answer my question. Who are you?!

I’m just your anger. All bundled up into, what’s now me. Now, I’m just a voice at this moment, but as your anger gets worse, I grow bigger and one day, I’ll become a soul, that overcomes your body at any sudden anger. I’m that voice in the back of people’s heads that makes them angry. Bothering them at the worst times.

Calm down, Krism. Everything’s okay. Calm down.

Keep telling yourself that. You wouldn’t want your anger here to somehow get out of control and kill Minx. She’s slowly being taken away from you.

The only person I can see now is Minx, by herself. My vision goes insanely weird. My head starts to ache as this anger rises. The room goes black. Darkness. Minx is the only one I could see at the moment as she glows white.

You better enjoy her while she’s still here because once she’s gone; she’s gone for good. As the voice spoke, Minx’s glowing body slowly starts to vanish, turning into nothing but darkness. I try to run for her but my body is stiff.

Then the room turns back into a carriage. My vision clears and my eyes return. I didn’t notice that Minx was looking at me. What was that? I better as Cry later. Maybe he can explain this better. I shake my head, trying to get, whatever that was, out of my mind. Now I really want Minx next to me, so that I can feel a bit safer.

I stand up, trying to walk to Minx. Please don’t fall. The carriage drives into a hole, making me almost fly. I wait for my body to hit the carriage floor, but it didn’t. I fell onto Ken by accident, our faces extremely close. My knee was on his crotch, having him in pain. Oh gosh… Awkward. Get up, Krism. Get up! I feel my face heat up as Ken helps me up. Instead of just standing there, I almost run to Minx. I sit down and sigh loudly, resting my head on my fiancé’s shoulder.

“Weird” Minx says. Did she notice the weird vision too?

“Huh?” I ask. I shouldn’t mention it yet.

“Nothing.” She replies, looking at Cry. Was I the only one who saw that vision?

My red eye starts to throb in pain but I don’t feel it glowing.

You better show Minx how much you love her because right now, she might just be thinking about ditching you, Krism. But I don’t care; it just brings me a step closer to my soul. Once I’m in control, there’s no stopping what I’ll do. The voice spoke with a deep and sarcastic tone.

Show my love for her? I can do that.

I put my arms around Minx’s neck and start kissing her. I love her so much, I can’t have her leave me…

“Mine.” I accidentally said out loud. I feel my face heat up so I try to cover it.

“Krism, are you jealous over Shadow? Is that it?” Minx asks. My red eye starts to throb again.

Yes Krism. Are you jealous? Say it. Tell her.

“A person flirting with you just because you’re Queen of Victubia is not good. I need to protect what’s mine, right? She was just… Too close to you, that’s all” I said, trying to sound calm.

“You know that I love you, and only you, right? I don’t flirt with anyone knowing that I already have someone better, much more amazing and that ‘someone’ is sitting right next to me.” Minx says before she kisses me. I could sense the love between us as we continue kissing. I giggle like one of old fashion schoolgirls.

Now, I must go but just remember me. But the question is; should you tell the group about me or try to control it yourself? See you later, Krism.

Should I tell the group or should I keep it a secret? I don’t want to endanger the group but I also want them to know just in case anything happens. Minx is already stressed out with this problem, adding something else to worry about is just going to make things worse. I don’t know….

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Hello everyone! The words in BOLD is the voice talking to Krism in her mind. The ITALIC is Krism talking in her mind.This is Krism's point of view! 

Should Krism tell the group about this mysterious voice or should she keep it a secret for a while?

Well, bye!


The Hidden Secret_A Victubia Fanfiction (Part 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें