Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

??? P.O.V

Little Minxy thinks she can go ahead and kill Dlive? Ha! I have many back up plans. I’m going to crush Victubia and crush all her friends. I just need to start working on my plan. I notice one of my henchmen walk by my office.

“Hey!” I call out. The henchman heard me and started backing up and stood at my doorway. I throw him a big book of criminal records. “I want you to find 2 things. I want you to find the most insane and dangerous man in the Victubia Asylum. I also want you to find my friend, I’ll write the info down. If you do this, I might consider sparing your family.” I order calmly.

“But-but sir why do you need to do this? Isn’t this a little odd?” My henchman stutters as he asks. How dare he question my orders?! I walk around my desk and walk right in front of him. I released my stress and anger by punching him in the face. I felt my anger rise.

“Don’t EVER question my orders again. I won’t kill your family for that though. This is a warning. Here’s the information about my friend. Go and get him for me and locate that crazy man! NOW!” I yell at the top of my lungs. He apologizes and I walk back to my desk. I grabbed a piece of paper and write down where, who, and why I need my friend and walk back to my henchman. I gave him the paper and pushed him out of my office, closing the door.

I sigh, “Now, I just need to wait for the right time...soon Minx. Soon you’ll fear me and beg for mercy. But not today, not tomorrow. Soon…” I tell myself, slowly calming down before I let out a crazy laugh. I giggle uncontrollably as I think of my plan. It will be perfect. Nobody will stand in my way now...I have a secret weapon this time.


Queen Minx P.O.V -One Year Later-

Running. I had to run. Where am I? Why is it so dark? There’s a dark mass in front of me the size of a huge building but I don’t know what to do. I turn around and start running away from it but the more I ran, the more it got bigger. I stopped, tired.

“What do you want from me! Who are you?!” I yell out, terrified. It spoke but it’s voice was so deep and smooth yet full of anxiety.

“Find him...He’s near...Don’t hide…Fight Michelle!” I flinch at the sound of my real name. Only my parents call me by my real name but I haven’t heard it in 12 years...I was getting worried but more confused. Who was ‘him’?

“Who’s ‘him’?! Who’s coming?” I ask, confused and curious. The mass started to shrink and disappear. I needed my questions answered.

“Wait!” I call out. It doesn’t stop. It only said four words…

“Find him! Now go!” It said with a demanding voice before it disappears. I was confused…This mass told me to find someone but who?

Then I see a It looked like Krism but she seemed in pain.

“Krism?! Krism!” I yell out louder as a man stands in front of her, stabbing her furiously multiple times. They don’t seem to hear me. I yell out again but they don’t hear…

After what seemed like hours, the man stops. I run up to them but as soon as I got close, they slowly vanished. Like a hallucination. What? I’m so confused. I look down at my feet where Krism was at a second ago and notice the floor cracking. The floor breaks and I plummet at full speed and notice spikes sticking out of the ground, I scream for help. I close my eyes, waiting for the impact to strike.

I wake up, sweating and shaking. I start to hyperventilate. Where am I? I look around and notice that I’m in my bedroom. I didn’t realize that there was a crying Krism next to me, yelling out my name.

“Krism?” I ask...Was it all a dream?

“Mi-Minx-I was so scared. You-You started screaming and I- I didn’t know what to do and I tried to wake you up...then you stopped breathing for a couple minutes. Oh god I thought you were dying. I was about to call a doctor. Minx! I almost lost you…” Krism blurted out, crying even more as she explained to me what had happened. Did I almost die? I hug Krism, trying to calm her down.

“I’m so sorry bebeh. I’m okay. Don’t worry. I had a nightmare that’s all. I’m fine. Shhh...Krism it’s okay.” I whisper to her, which made her stop crying but she was still shaking. I kissed her red cheek and wiped away the last tear that fell from her puffy eyes.

“It’s okay...I have to go and shower since I’m sweating. I’ll let you sleep a little more. Everything’s fine now.” I said, looking into her beautiful brown and red eyes. She nodded her head and slowly fell back asleep.

I sat at the edge of the bed, thinking about my nightmare…“Find him...He’s near...Don’t hide…Fight Michelle!” I remember his exact words...Was this mass trying to tell me something? Whatever it was, it’s over now...I think.

Hello everyone! Did you enjoy this chapter? Comment your opinion on it and let me know what you thought about it. I'll try to post the next chapter up as fast as I can. But thank you for reading it.


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