Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Queen Minx P.O.V

“Mark, please clean this up then close the door and put the bookshelf back. Cry, go get the rest of the group. Ken, go to the mayor and inform her of what just happened. Everyone will meet up at my castle.” I said, walking out of the basement. I’m panicking but I need to look calm. I quickly walk out of the basement only to come face-to-face with a worried Yamimash.

“Queen Minx- M’lady. I heard a gunshot. Is everything alright?” Sir Yamimash asks, looking behind me.

“I’m fine. Go help Mark clean up the mess in the basement.” I ordered. With a confused face, he bowed his head and walked into the basement, almost bumping into Krism who I didn’t see.

“Minx, what do we do now?” Krism says standing behind me. I don’t turn around to face her. Instead, I stare at the floor.

“We wait for the group, Krism.” I said, serious. There isn’t much we can actually do. I move some furniture to make a big circle of seats for everyone. I sit down and stare at the wall, thinking. Krism sits next to me and rests her head on my shoulder.

I hear the door open and the group walks into the main hall, where we will be meeting up. I look up to see everyone, The Late Night Crew, Ken, Pewds and Marzia, and Zeigs. Everyone takes a seat around me, waiting for someone to speak. I look down at the ground, trying to stay calm. Everything’s happening so fast.

“Where’s the mayor?” I asked, in a serious tone. Nobody answers my question. Where could she be in a time like this? What could possibly be so-

“Queen Minx.” I hear Gabbi speak from my front door. I look up and see Gabbi next to someone I do not recognize.

“Who’s that?” I point at the person next to her. I could tell it was a female, from her eyes and her skinny body. I couldn’t see her face though. She was wearing a black suit with a hoodie over her head and a black bandana. All you can see are her dark brown eyes.

“This. Is Shadow. She will be your bodyguard during this. Who knows what could happen. She’ll be protecting you and will accompany you.” Gabbi says, resting a hand on Shadow’s shoulder. I stand up.

“I don’t need a bodyguard. I have Krism. She’s enough to protect me. Besides, why should I trust her? She looks more like a criminal than anything. How old is she anyway?” I ask. Was this really her plan? I can’t automatically trust this person with my life.

“Does she really need my background info?” Shadow asks, annoyed. I look at her. Does she not know whom she’s talking to?

“She’s 16 but has had many training for things like this. She usually hides and appears when she needs to. You won’t even know that she’s there. Atleast give this girl a chance, Minx. Now, I need to go and sign some paperwork to get the bar rebuilt. Take care!” Gabbi waves goodbye and leaves. Great, now we have to take care of a child. I stare at Shadow, watching her every move as she walks around the hallway, admiring the stuff on the walls. She’s just a kid and she’s a bodyguard for a queen like me?

“Alright, Shadow, you can take a seat and we can start this conference.” I look at Krism for a second. She’s mad and has her full attention on Shadow. I sense jealousy here.

“A conference? Really? Someone’s out to kill you, what’s there to talk about?” Shadow interrupts, obviously not wanting to be here. Krism stands up, her red eye glowing. Shadow moves closer to Krism, staring right at her. Please don’t fight.

“Now I understand why Gabbi hired me. Nobody can trust a girl that can blow up at any second. Sucks for you, tough girl, because I’m not afraid of you so don’t try and intimidate me. Be glad that I’m here to protect your Damsel in Distress over there.” Shadow explains.

“Shadow! That’s enough. Just sit down and shut up. Let the actual adults talk about this.” I say, my patience slowly draining. Shadow sighs, sits down at a chair farthest from the group. I could hear Krism grinding her teeth, trying to control her anger. She doesn’t sit down.

“Krism. Calm down and sit down.” I order. Krism looks at me. If looks could kill, I would be viciously murdered. She sits down, away from me, crossing her arms and turning her head away from me. Great…

“Alright, now we can start. Gathering information that the criminal has blurted out, his name is Tom Syndicate and he kept saying random words such as ‘crazies’ and ‘Asylum’. He then glowed blue and killed himself.” I explained to the group.

“The blue glow was the same color that Dlive used to control Krism and forced her to attack you.” Cry said, creating a ball of magic that replayed the scene, like a movie. I remember… I look over at Shadow, who was deep in thought about something else. She, obviously, wasn’t paying attention to the information.

“He was controlled, like a puppet no longer needed.” Shadow says, her eyes quickly on me. As she talked, she only stared at me. I felt a bit too uncomfortable. I put my attention on the group, studying each expression.

“How would YOU know anything about being controlled?” Krism says, extremely suspicious. I’ve never seen her so jealous…Everyone turned their heads to Krism, then at Shadow.

“Because my brother was controlled and he killed my parents, then put the blame on me.” Shadow says, looking down at the floor. Krism bows her head, feeling bad. Everyone grew silent… I was loss of words.

“You said that he kept saying words like, ‘crazies’ and ‘Asylum’. So maybe he was trying to tell you to go somewhere. He might have been in an asylum or something. Common sense.” Red explains, looking at each of her crew mates.

“So… To the asylum then? We can search for clues there.” Pewds asks, putting his arm around Marzia. I smile at their affection with each other.

“Okay. Zeigs, I trust you with Victubia. I want Krism, Ken, Pewds, Shadow, and Cry to come with me to this. The crew, just deal with the bar and try to reestablish it back. Marzia may come too if she wants to.” I said, pointing at each person as I spoke their names.

“Minx, you can’t just go on these dangerous missions. You are one of the most important people the world has. If you die, who knows what’ll happen to Victubia.” Zeigs says.

“Zeigs, I trust you with Victubia. Don’t let me down. Don’t worry. I have Krism here who will protect me no matter what.” I said, putting my arm around Krism’s shoulders, making her smile. Zeigs adjusted her top hat and sighed, loudly.

“I guess I’ll go alone to the asylum.” Shadow says, scratching her head, looking at the ground. She looks up and nods her head quickly at me before leaving my castle. Strange person… Krism sighed and pulled me into a tight hug, obviously tired. We haven’t slept all day and it’s close to midnight. But we can’t rest now.

“To the asylum…” I said, rubbing my eyes. Happy birthday to me…

Hello! I am extremely tired and I'm slowly running out of ideas on this story but I will try my best. I currently got a new desktop so expect chapters coming in a little bit faster. But right now, I currently have been having depression and a personal problem has been bugging me for months and that makes me stressed and paranoid and sad, etc. So I'm sorry if this chapter isn't that good. You're just going to have to deal with it for now... 

But i did add a new character. Secretly, that's me! Shadow(CrazyB2014) I have an idea for this character so she'll be important.  I hope you like this chapter, though. I don't feel confident with it but I did try my best. 

Well....bye, I guess

- (You already know my name)

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