Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Shadow P.O.V

            I quickly wander off to the back of the library. I used to enjoy reading books but, ever since my parents died and I had to support the remaining of my family, reading was never in my mind. I could take a break and read about random stuff right now, but I need the money. I need to do my job and my job is to protect the queen. Right now, I just need to find books.

I look around the library, trying to find a shelf with VOX magic facts. I came across a book that had wanted VOX magic criminals. 

“This could be useful…” I whispered to myself as I pick up the book. It didn’t have a cover, just papers and papers of random people. I looked through each page, reading each criminal. All of them were either dead or in jail. The book could have been 100 years old or older but any information is good at this moment. I whispered to myself as I read out the last few pages.

“Cannon McGee…wanted for shooting a cannon of fire from his hand into a hospital…. Deceased. Dickson Grayson, wanted for killing hundreds of other criminals by possessing their bodies… Deceased.”

I was ready to give up on the book until I came across the last page. It had a picture of a young boy, around 15 years old, with green eyes and short brown hair. He was holding something but it was too blurry to see. I read the information on the right side.

“Ryan… Wanted for assisting one of the most deadly criminals. Wanted for murdering innocent citizens. Has a Mad! side that takes over his body. Wears a white mask to cover his face. Still wanted and on the loose. Last time was spotted near Victubia.”


Wears a white mask…

The only possible person is Cry… I have to warn Queen Minx. But she won’t believe me if I say that her best friend is a criminal.

I quickly close the book, holding it under my arm, as I walk away from the shelf. I was turning at the corner of the long bookshelf but was blocked by Cry’s muscular body…. He was much taller than me so I was forced to look up. His eyes were glowing green and his mask had a creepy cracked smile from one end to the other. I slowly back away from him, trying to escape.

“H- Hey Cry. I- uhh. Need to talk to Minx right now so if you could just- move.” I said, stuttering, trying to walk past him but was blocked. I started to become annoyed. I pushed him with all of my strength but he still wouldn’t budge.

Cry’s whole body glowed green as he walked. He grabbed me by my neck with one hand, pushing me to the wall. I try to dig my fingernails into his skin but failed. I tried to reach for my boot, my finger barely touching the hidden knife.

Come on…

Cry punches me in the stomach with his other hand, making me taste the food that was coming up my throat. I started kicking him with my other foot as my hand tries to reach for the knife. I felt leather and instantly pull out my knife.


Cry didn’t notice the knife until it was stabbed into his shoulder blade. He cries out but doesn’t let go of me. Instead, he raises me up in the air and throws me into a few bookshelves, making me scream in pain. I fall into a bunch of hard covered books. I gasp for air, rubbing my neck. I could hear the rest of the group’s footsteps.

I used all of my strength to quickly stand up and dodge the green ball of magic as Cry attacks again. I run to the desk, that was in the middle of the room, and crouched down. All I was able to hear was the confused queen yelling out in confusion, asking different questions. I try my best to stay quiet for a while, to try and sneak up on Cry but was too late.

Cry appears behind me and drag me out from under the desk. He picks me up by my neck again. This time, everyone was able to see. I kicked him in the face but only left a bruise. I thrashed my legs around, trying to figure out how to escape from his deadly grip. I look at the corner of my eye, the knife that was imbedded into his shoulder, was raised in the air. I screamed and cried for help but everyone stood there, not knowing what to do.

I saw Ken pointing his revolver at Cry, telling him to stop. Krism was glowing red, standing in front of Minx. Pewds was holding a dagger, protecting Marzia.

“Get. The. Hell. Off Me!!” I said, kicking Cry’s hand, making him drop the knife. I punched his mask, making a large crack go through the middle. I fall to the floor, gasping for air as Cry screams in pain. I jump over the counter and run to the group. 

I pick up the knife in the process. I felt something warm trickle down my cheek and soak my bandana. I touch my face and feel something thick. I pull out my hand, already dripping blood. 

Cry was standing behind the desk, his entire body glowing green. His mask ready to fall apart. 

“Cry! Stop it!” Pewds yelled out. Cry only laughed maniacally. I see someone, in the shadows. A pair of black eyes staring at Queen Minx. I’m the only one that notices. He points something towards Krism but I’m trying to figure out what it is… Cry turns to look at this figure and says what I didn’t expect.

 “Now…” Cry calls out. Right away, I realized what was about to happen. I quickly stand in front of Krism in a second as he pulls the trigger to his revolver. It was like in slow motion…

Everyone froze as the bullet flies from the gun towards me. Krism had no time to react. I hold my breath, as I get ready to feel the shear pain. The bullet goes through my shoulder blade, hitting a vein, and flies out from my back. Then the ‘slow motion’ stops and time starts back normally.

I fall to the floor, holding my right shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding.

Krism and Minx kneel down to help me as Ken shoots blankly at the shadow, missing. Cry starts to say these words that I did not understand. I can feel myself going into Shock. My body is shaking uncontrollably as the blood gushes out. 

I turn my neck to the side. I see Pewds and Ken in a fight as Marzia runs towards the shadow figure.

“You’re going to be fine. Okay? You didn’t have to do that.” Krism says as she applies pressure to the wound. I nod my head. The pain is getting worse.

“Step away from the girl.” A deep voice said. Krism instantly looked up, protecting my body. Minx draws her sword, pointing it at the person. He’s the same person that shot me. He raises the gun towards Krism’s head, repeating what he said.

“I said. Step away from the girl. Or else I’ll blow her head off.” The man said. They had no choice but to back away. My vision starts to blur and my hearing became nothing but muffle sounds. I start to feel tired…

“Cry. I command you to knock everyone out.” The man says as he picks me up, bridal style. He puts my body onto his shoulder, letting me see behind him…

All I was able to see before passing out was each one of my friends, dropping to the ground as a green light illuminates the room…


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What happens to Shadow? Is she dead? The bad guy already atacked. What more could he want?

Well, you'll find out in the next chapter. Only a few more chapter to go though...

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