Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

 “Okay. Now, we’re 5 minutes into the journey back to Victubia. You guys alright back there?” Minx yells out to the back of the carriage, trying to dodge a huge rock sticking out of the ground.

Marzia’s attention was turned to the window, ignoring Minx.

She must be worried about Pewds… I would be too if Krism went. Minx thought.

“Goddamnit woman! Stop hitting every rock on the road. Can’t you drive this correctly?” Krism complains, holding her stomach and hanging on tightly.

“I’m trying. I don’t really know how to drive this thing but I’m sure it’s not that hard.” Minx confessed.

“It’s easy. Just grab the rope and control the horse.” Krism explains but even she didn’t know how to drive.

Just then, the carriage stops moving instantly. The horse stops, not moving a muscle in its body. The force of the stop sent everyone slamming to the front.

“Minx, what the hell did you do!” Krism groans, holding her head while standing up slowly. Minx stands up as well, holding her neck that was smacked into the seat. Marzia holds her bleeding ear that was cut from a piece of metal that stuck out of the window. Minx climbs into the carriage, standing in front of them.

“That wasn’t me!” Minx argued, pointing at the general direction.

“Oh! I'm sorry! It was the fucking wind!” Krism yelled back, a sense of sarcasm in her voice.

“Guys…” Marzia tries to get the two young women’s attention but failed.

“I didn’t do anything. I swear! Something must have scared the horse!” Minx shrugs her shoulders, gesturing as she spoke.

“Why couldn’t Cry have kept the fucking driver so we wouldn’t have to be in this situation! This time, I’ll drive!”

“Nuu. I can drive fine, baby!” Minx whined, trying to sound adorable.

“Guys.” Marzia attempts to get their attention again. Then, she notices the horse facing them. The horse’s eyes glow a dark blue as it breaths in deeply. It’s harness ripped off but still somewhat connected to the carriage.

“If I drive, then maybe we’ll get there in one piece instead of all of us crashing!” Krism argues, completely not noticing the animal.

“I can drive fine!” Minx replies.

“Guys!” Marzia yells.

“What!” Both, Minx and Krism, yelled towards Marzia.

Marzia’s words were caught in her throat as she starts to panic. She raises her right arm, her index finger pointing towards the glowing horse. They both turned around in unison as they slowly realize the horse.

The horse looked at everyone, breathing through its huge nostrils quickly.


Nobody moved. The only sound heard was the rustling of leaves, the wind whistling through, and the horse’s deep breaths.

Krism’s red eye glows lightly, her senses on alert.

Minx stares at the horse, watching its every move.

Marzia starts to slowly panic but she stays as still as possible.

Finally someone spoke.

“It’s possessed.” Minx says, keeping her voice as low as possible.

Tom’s body glowed blue as he was controlled…

But Cry glowed green so he couldn’t have been possessed like he said….

Then that could only mean…

“Cry wasn’t possessed!” Minx yells out as she realizes, smacking her forehead purposely with her hand.

But she brought the horse’s attention towards what she said.

The horse- the person controlling the horse must have realized that Minx knew, sending the horse into motion….


HI! I'M  BACK! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I started high school and i don't have much time to do anything so....SORRY! 

I am also sorry that this chapter is so short....again, don't have much time now...

But i will try my best to upload again soon!

Was Cry possessed or not? 

Spooky horse, huh? The horse is possessed but the question is: Who is it possessed by?

Find out in the next chapter!

Well, Bye!


The Hidden Secret_A Victubia Fanfiction (Part 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant