Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Queen Minx P.O.V

        Krism and I were now standing in front of The Late Night Bar, holding hands. On my way to the bar, a lot of citizens stood outside on the sidewalk, clapping their hands and cheering for me. This might be the best birthday I have ever had. Even though I’m turning 30, I still feel young but not as energetic as I was before. When I had my 21st birthday, instead of just sitting in carriage waving at my citizens, I was on top of my carriage, thanking everyone and smiling. That ended in my driver ‘slamming the brakes’ and smashing my face on the concrete floor. I learned my lesson.

There was a huge crowd of people waiting for me outside of the bar. It took me a while for me to even be standing in front of the door. Sadly, I had Sir Markiplier come down and slowly guide the citizens back home so there wouldn’t be any riots and fights. Though, everyone cooperated and happily left. Today will be an amazing day, I can feel it.

        I took a deep breath and opened the door to the bar. I was expecting people extremely drunk causing insane problems. But I thought wrong. Everyone was either wearing a neat tie or a typical bowtie, calmly chatting and relaxing. That was, until, Krism and I walked in. Once, we opened the door and stepped into the bar, everyone stared at us, silently, including our own friends. I felt extremely awkward and nervous. Did we forget something? Is it because we weren’t wearing a tie or something? I look over at the short Krism holding my hand, studying her expression. She had a huge smile on her face and was looking at me. Now I’m more confused than ever. I opened my mouth to speak but before the words even left my mouth, I was surprised.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUEEN MINX!” Everyone, including Krism screamed out. My face turned red and I smiled. A surprise birthday party? I laughed at my own reaction. I must have looked so stupid and lost.

“Thank you all. Now, come on. Let’s relax for once.” I said after everyone cheered.

I grabbed Krism’s hand and we walked confidently to our usual table where my friends sat down. Ken, Pewds, Marzia, Zeigs, Red, Russ, and Snake all sat down holding a certain type of drink of their own choice. I notice someone wasn’t here with us.

“Hey guys. Wait…Where’s Cry? Shouldn’t he be here to celebrate with us?” I asked, looking around the bar. Everyone shrugged their shoulders, not knowing the answer to my question.

“So… Who’s in charge of the bar?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Russ raises his hand and I sigh. At least Cry left someone in charge of his bar. I’ll have to ask what’s wrong when he gets back from…wherever he’s at right now.

I ask Russ to make me my favorite drink of all, The Volcano. It sounds horrible but it tastes amazing when done right. It’s one of the few drinks that does not make me drunk immediately and keeps it’s sweet taste. Krism has never tried The Volcano so I order two, one for me and one for her.

“Wait… Minx don’t sit yet…” Krism says nervously.

What’s wrong with sitting down now? I decide not to argue about it and do as I’m told. Russ hands me my drink and I stood there, in front of my friends as I wait for Krism to explain why I can’t sit down. I look at my friends, who had a smile on their faces. Even Zeigs took off her top hat and smiled. What’s going on? I turn my head back at Krism, who was starting to sweat and stutter.

“Uhhh…?” Was all I could say about this situation. I’m just smiling yet I don’t know why. Krism quiets down the whole room, making everyone stare at us. I’m beginning to get uncomfortable now… Krism gently grabs my hand and begins to speak.

“Minx… We’ve been going out for about a year now and I just want you to know that you’re… my best friend and I’ve been able to tell you things that I’ve never been able to tell… another human being, let alone someone I’ve been in a relationship with...and I- I spent weeks trying to sort this special moment out. I needed help with some of our friends to figure out when and how I’m going to do this and I was thinking about doing it later on today in the Town Hall but I can’t wait anymore...and- Minx…” Krism slowly explained, her voice going from loud to soft and she started to stutter.

Is she going to do what I think she’s going to do? My question was soon answered when she pulls out a small box.

“Queen Mangaminx. Queen of all Victubia. Will you- Will you do the honor of marrying me?” Krism asks, opening the box and revealing a purple ring. I could tell she was shaking from the box moving while she asked. I was loss of words. I feel so in love with Krism more than before. Here I am, standing in front of my girlfriend who is proposing to me, pouring her heart out to me. I gave my answer.

“Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you Krism.” I say, tearing up a little bit. Don’t cry, Minx. Krism grabs the purple ring from the box and slowly puts it on my left ring finger. I thought I’d never get a ring on that finger in my entire life, until now. I hug Krism tightly and look at her beautiful face. “I love you, Krism. Now my fiancé.” I whisper to her before kissing her.

Our special moment was soon interrupted with Pewds saying, “Awww” Others joined in and cheered for us.

        We continued celebrating my birthday. Krism drank the entire The Volcano drink and wanted more. We were talking about the wedding and such things like that. I notice something coming out of the back door of the bar while Krism explained the wedding date. She notices me not paying attention to what she was saying. Instead of being angry, she was worried.

“Minx, honey, is something wrong?” Krism asks. I squint my eyes, looking past her shoulder and at the back door. It took me a few seconds to realize what that ‘something’ was. Smoke?

Hello everyone! Did you enjoy this chapter? I hope you did. Leave a comment about your opinion on this if you can. That was what Krism was hiding from Minx for weeks. But then.... what's this smoke that Minx sees? What's going to happen?! Find out in the next chapter of The Hidden Secret...

 FACT: Half of what Krism said while proposing to Minx was exactly what she said when she was reenacting how she proposed to her. 

Well, bye!


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