Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Queen Minx P.O.V

There was smoke coming from the back door. A fire? I look over at Krism, who just noticed the smoke also. Krism’s body stiffens, she knows what I’m looking at now. She stands up, I stand up as well. We have to tell everyone but in a way that it won’t cause people to panic and to try not to look stupid at the same time. I look around the room, people aren’t noticing the smoke and the smell of something burning. I keep track of the back door, keeping track of the smoke and where it goes. I know that it isn’t my imagination because Krism saw it as well, unless we both are crazy which is unlikely.

“Guys...there’s a fire…” Krism says quietly, trying to tell our half-drunk friends. I continue to look around the room, nobody is freaking out yet…

“What?” Pewds says. I look back at the back door, a small flame can be seen now. I close my eyes, trying to calm down. Please notice…

“There is a fire…I’m trying to be quiet so people won’t panic…”  Krism says a little louder. I scan the room and see that a couple people heard her. Don’t freak out…

“What?! We can’t hear you.” Pewds says, literally screaming now. I smell smoke now. Like, a lot of it. It started getting extremely hot and I notice little wood pieces falling from the ceiling. I look up and notice the ceiling is starting to catch on fire. Now, the only thing that matters now is evacuating everyone, quick.

“Shit! Guys! Fire! We have to go! Now!” I say, as the ceiling quickly catches on fire. I look back at the back door and it literally burned down to dust in an instant. Shit.

I hear a door slam open, I look at the front entrance. It’s Cry. He’s going to be pissed off about this.

“My.Bar. MY FREAKING BAR!” Cry yelled out, running to the counter and jumping over it, trying to use his vox magic to extinguish the fire, only making it worse. This is no time to mourn over a burning building. I run over to Cry.

“Cry!” I say grabbing his shoulder, trying to calm him down but he furiously pushes my hand away. now he’s trying to save his rare drinks, the ones on display.

“Cryaotic listen to me!” Hearing his full name made him turn around and look at me.

“No! Leave me! I go down with my bar!” Cry says, practically yelling at me. I hear a faint voice call my name. I wasn’t able to hear from people yelling and screaming and the flames. I couldn’t recognize the voice at first but I knew who it was when I heard it the second time.

“Minx!” Krism yells, standing still in the middle of the room. I can’t die here. I need to survive this. I can’t leave Krism alone.

I grab Cry’s arm and shirt and pull him from the counter to the middle of the room before he pushes me away. “Cry! We will die in here! We need to go now!” I yell at his face. I turn around and see Snake grab Krism and carries her out of the building. I hear Krism scream out my name… It took all of my strength not to run to Krism and hug her, not letting go. I know she doesn’t want to leave me here but I need her safe. As long as she’s okay. That’s one less thing to worry about.


Cry and I run to the front entrance of the building but right when Snake leaves, the whole front of the bar collapses and burns. No exit?! Shit! I hear a cracking noise and look up to see a big piece of the ceiling slowly breaking. I didn’t have enough time to react but Cry did and pushed me out of the way. I fall next to a table on fire, burning my clothes a little. I stand up and take off my shirt, leaving my undershirt, and cover my mouth. Don’t breath in the smoke. Help Cry!

I turn around quickly and see Cry stuck under a large piece of wood that was going to fall on me. I use my shirt as a glove and raise the wood up, freeing Cry. The whole room was on fire. Shit! Shit! What now?! Cry stands up but had to lean on me for support because he burned his back. He pulls me up the stairs to his bedroom. Half of the floor has collapsed and most of his things were on fire but we had a way to reach the window.

I walk Cry to the window, which led to the back of the building, and I use my elbow to break it open. We both climb out but we were dangling from the window sill because we didn’t think of a way to jump down. Cry jumps down first, probably breaking his legs or something, and raises his arms up.

“Don’t worry! I got you!” Cry says while lifting his arms. Should I jump or not? Then I hear an explosion coming from inside the bar, which made me lose my grip on the window sill. I wasn’t able to stop myself from falling… I close my eyes, hoping Cry would be able to catch me…

Hey guys! Did you enjoy this chapter? It was fairly difficult to write because I wanted this to be as realistic as possible. Does Cry catch Minx or does Cry accidentally miss and Minx falls to her death? Find out in the next chapter! Comment your opinion on this chapter, please, I want to see how well I wrote this.

Well, bye!


The Hidden Secret_A Victubia Fanfiction (Part 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang