Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Queen Minx P.O.V

I felt my guts slowly rise up from gravity reacting with my falling body. Ever went on a ride and you go downhill so quickly, you feel your stomach rising? That’s how I felt when I was falling from the second floor. Please catch me Cry…Any second now and I’ll be smashed and broken, laying on the grass bleeding from the inside and dying. Any second and Victubia’s queen would be dead. But that second didn’t happen. I didn’t feel like flying anymore. I open my eyes and come face-to-face with Cry’s white mask, now burned and cracked. He caught me!

“Thanks…” I said. We had a second of silence as the bar behind us continues to burn. We just stared at each other, silently… Awkward.

“Uhh… You can let go of me now…” I whispered. Cry shook his head, like if he was in another world and I brought him back to reality. He slowly put me down, letting me stand up on my own. He puts his arm around my shoulder, leaning on me for support.

We were behind the bar so I started walking quickly to the side of the bar. I look around and had a good look at the bar now. Gabbi, the mayor was there with her mods, trying to control the fire. Oh, she’s so going to yell at me for this. I’m trying my best to find my friends but the smoke made my eyes water quickly and made it harder to see everyone. Cry points at a group of people sitting down, a few standing up and talking to each other. Then I notice someone with a Late Night Bar vest, freaking out and yelling at his companion. That has got to be our friends, right?

We slowly walk over to the group and, as we got closer, they all look at us, their expression changing from sad and worried to amazed and happy. Cry walks over to his crew and starts talking. I look around. Where’s Krism? I was slowly walking up to Zeigs, who was fixing her top hat.

“Where’s Krism?” I asked Zeigs. I know she’s okay because I saw Snake carry her out.

Right when I asked her where Krism was, someone tackled me to the ground. My burnt back was on the cold floor as someone was sitting on me, their hands pushing mine down to the ground. I couldn’t see who it was until I saw a red glow.

Krism tackled me and was crying as she sat on top of me, pinning me to the ground. Her tears fell from her cheek to my face as she cried. Her eyes were closed but her left eye had a red glowing streak. Is she angry at me?

“Don’t- Don’t you ever do that again! You could have freaking died! You could have died and left me alone, you freaking whore…Don’t- Don’t do that again!” Krism says, her voice more quiet as she spoke. I know she’s not mad at me even though she sounds mad. Everyone fell silent as Krism spoke. I feel terrible for making her so worried.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry bebeh. But it’s okay now.” I said, trying to calm her down but it only made her cry even more.

Krism sat up, covering her face with her hands as she cried softly. I wipe her tears from my face as I sit up as well. It broke my heart seeing her cry. I sat right next to her and hugged her tightly, making her know that I’m here. She lays her head on my shoulder, calming down slowly. Everyone else continued talking and asking what had happened. Krism sat on top of me and she rested her head back on my shoulders, shortly after she stopped crying, like when a baby wants to sit on you just to fall asleep. When she stops crying, she gets a major headache, making her grumpy.

I look back at the bar, which is now just black burnt walls. I guess they were able to put out the fire. I see someone walk up to us and notice that it was the mayor. Goddamnit. I turn my head, looking behind her to see her mods trying to clean up the ashes and burned furniture. I turn my attention back to the mayor, who looks mad and stressed out. It reminded me of when I was a child and I did something wrong such as breaking something or forgetting to do my chores. Someone would always be there, walking up to me, giving me a lecture about how wrong my action was. Most of the time it would be my parents. If it was, they would slap me or put me in… ‘The Dungeon’… as a way of punishment. The thought of it made me shudder.


Gabbi walks up to us, crossing her arms on her chest. I open my mouth, ready to apologize but she lifts her hand up.

“Do not apologize, Minx. I don’t want to hear this excuse right now. Who was in charge of the bar?” Gabbi asks, her voice loud and clear. She pretended to be calm but we knew that she was extremely angry in the inside. I didn’t care if she was the president of the world, I don’t like people shutting me up.

“Mayor Gabbi. As Queen of Victubia, let me speak-” I said, a little angry. She didn’t let me finish, instead she cut me off.

“Well, ‘Queen of Victubia’ as Mayor, I’m the one that has to clean this up and have people come to my office and complain about YOUR mistakes. I know it’s your birthday and stuff but really? The bar was burned down and people could have been massively injured. I want to know who did this and I’m too upset to hear it from you.” Gabbi says, her voice getting louder and angrier as she spoke. It was best not to talk back and let her question us because even I wanted to know who caused this.

I know it was purposely done by someone judging by it having to be my birthday. But who would do this?

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I enjoyed writing it. Comment on anything about this chapter. Did I do a good job? Did you enjoy a certain part? I decided to have Gabbi as a part of the story since she did create the wonderful world of Victubia and I want to give her credit for it. In the next chapter, we will find out what Mayor Gabbi has to say about this incident. 

P.S: Can someone explain to me what this 'writer block' is? Reading a few fanfictional stories, I see the author mention that they weren't able to upload because of this 'writer block'. I just want to know what it is so that I can prevent it from happening to me. 

Well, bye!


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