"Where have your manners gone?" My father asked me, coldly.

"I apologize, father. I needed to go somewhere and I just showed up here. Now I can't leave. I need your help." I blurted.

"Sit." he said, signalling me to my chair across from him.

I walked over and sat in my chair.

"Now what is it?" He asked me.

"I have a problem. I need to choose a partner to go to the Yule Ball with. I asked Michael Corner, a Ravenclaw in my year, a week ago, but then Draco begged me to go with him instead that same day. Then today I was telling Corner that I was going with Draco and he pulled a pity card, that going with him, Corner, was a thank you for helping me during my breakdown. Then he, Corner, admitted to liking me and I ran. Now I don't know who I'm going with! Draco with be furious with both Corner and me if I go with Corner, but Corner wont let me go with Draco. He won't accept that I want to go with Draco! It doesn't get through his thick skull that I don't want to go with him! But at the same time, I kind of do because he's done so much for me over the past while. But Draco's my best friend and this is a once in a life time ball! I need someone else's opinion on who I should go with." I ranted. 

I knew this wasn't what my father wanted to deal with, but at the same time, he kept one daughter thirteen years ago and now he needs to deal with her drama. He set himself up for this type of torture.
He sighed and leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms and looking deep into my eyes. Like he was searching my soul for the answer.

"You haven't considered the possibilities of tomorrow night. You may attend the ball with one, but spend the majority of the night with the other. There are no rules telling you that you need to spend the whole night with the person you go with. Be Corner's partner to the ball, but spend the majority of the ball with Malfoy."

He spoke to me as if I should have known this. Like it was common sense. How was I supposed to just make something like that in my head? I nodded, anyway, understanding the problem's solution. I would go to the ball with Corner, but I would spend most of it with Draco. That was my plan. 

"Father," I said, looking into the eyes that matched my own, "I still don't have a dress."

His face didn't change from it's cold glare.

"Of course you do. Your cloak will do the trick. Just wait for the right moment and it will fix your issue." He said. 

I looked down at the cloak that wrapped around my shoulders. It made sense. This cloak was enchanted! Surely it could do more than just change sizes! And if it didn't, a simple transfiguration spell could do the trick. 
I bid my father good day and walked out of the office. I walked back to the great hall and back to Draco. 

"Hey, where were you?" he asked me, "I just saw you ran out."

I didn't answer his question, I just asked him, "can we go for a walk?"

He nodded and we walked away from our group. We walked toward the courtyard and we sat on a stone bench that had been whipped of snow. We sat next to each other, staying close for warmth. 

"Draco, do you promise you're not going to be mad at me?" I asked him.

"You didn't tell him, did you?" He asked with a sigh.

I shook my head. He was silent for a minute.

"So what am I going to do, Raven? I have no one to go with. This is your mess, so what is the plan?" He asked.

I could tell he was mad, he was just trying to hide it from me. 

"I consulted my father about this. He told me to attend with Corner, but spend the majority of the ball with you. So then it'll be like deciding to be there with you while I'm there with Corner." I told him.

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