Jimin began to excessively cough, panting loudly as he attempts to get his breathing under control. Taehyung slips from Jungkook's clutch, walking forward towards Jimin and engulfing him into a tight squeeze. The eldest junior stops in his movements, his chest hammering at the mere touch of the younger. His orbs were wide as his breathing instantly calms.

While Taehyung relaxes Jimin, Jungkook takes it upon himself to walk Hoseok away from the pair. "Listen dude, I don't know you or whatever nor do I know what you did to Jimin but if I were you, I would keep away from him." Jungkook spoke as polite as he possibly could for once which was a first for him. Usually, he would just be an ass but he knew that for this situation, that would be the last method for him to approaches things.

Hoseok was silent the full walk back till they reach the carpark and only then does he ask the question that's been pondering on his mind for a short while now. "What are they to you?" He interrogates, his orbs piercing into Jungkook's. He searched for a sign, a tick, anything that would confirm what Hoseok had been thinking.

Jungkook simply smiles. He knew his answer but wasn't particularly ready yet to tell anyone so instead, "it's a secret." He teases, causing Hoseok to frown. The younger pats the senior's back before walking off back to the others.

Hoseok just watches Jungkook's back as he disappears completely out of sight. The elder purses his lips, "he likes them..."


Taehyung leisurely made his way down the hallway. It was Monday and not much happened over the weekend which was good in Taehyung's case though he couldn't stop himself from repeatedly thinking back to last Thursday.

Jimin had been rather clingy to both Taehyung and Jungkook after that, forcing them to sit with him at lunch on Friday and today. Taehyung thought it was the least he could do after seeing how distraught he was over Hoseok yet he still felt bad for the senior too. After all, it was Hoseok who Taehyung used to sit with but at the moment, the red head hasn't seen much of the elder. He guessed he was just taking a few days off since it looked like the break up was quite a messy thing.

Still, it wasn't exactly Taehyung's fault and he didn't want to prey too far into things that he wasn't involved in but he hates seeing his friends upset. 'Maybe I should talk to Jimin about it more today?' He wonders to himself, deep in thought as he walks into the school's bathroom.

Lately, Taehyung has been feeling a little more confident in himself. Maybe because he now has friends or that he hasn't been bothered by Namjoon much recently but he was definitely feeling the difference.

He decides to use one of the stalls today as there were a few guys inside and Taehyung always becomes rather shy around others. He gets inside and locks over the door before turning round to relieve himself.

As he finishes up, a sudden thud of the bathroom door clashes throughout the room. A familiar voice barks out towards the others to leave.

Taehyung immediately panics, not sure what to do as he cowers inside the small cubical. He knew he was in trouble if he gets caught. But what else could he possibly do? He couldn't leave without being seen.

"Yeah it's me." Namjoon's voice fills the entire room, causing Taehyung's orbs to expand as he realises he's listening in to a private phone conversation. "Look I know...are you gonna at least hear me out?!" His voice rises slightly, making Taehyung flinch when he takes note at how pissed the elder was getting.

"You're a fucking bitch!! Do you here me?!" He snarls into his phone, clutching it to hold in his rage. "You should've thought about that before you started getting yourself into trouble asshole! Don't fucking phone me or come near me ever again!!!" The voice on the other line yells before the call was hung up.

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