11| Moʋŋtʌɩŋ sɩɗe

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I was able to find time to make a chapter on this busy day, I'm at a party anyways so I'm just in a quiet room writing this right now. Merry Christmas/Happy holidays!

Chapter Eleven: Mountain side

"Is she really your ally?" Raph snapped.

Doku flicked her tail, the tip flickering with rich orange flames. Her empty eyes were still as detailed as ice, alike to the individual flakes and droplets trapped in the icy blue layer...

What? I'm an observant dude!

Plus she's glared at me enough times for me to have the look memorized-

"She's probably controlled by Jei or something! Just look at the way- well, she's just so... Cold! Aggravating!" He growled, resulting in an eye roll from the snappy mutant.

"Ha! Says the one who's always grumpy- agh!" I yelped, jumping high to avoid the two ninja stars being hurled at me.

Unfortunately, I forgot we were in a cavern; so instead of landing on a boulder or ledge, my head thunked against the ceiling. I hissed in pain as I landed on my feet, but thankfully, my hat had taken most of the damage.

"Really dude?! I was just saying the truuuth!" I whined, stumbling back when he shoved my shoulder, glaring at me.

You would think he'd be less mean after not getting to see me at all for so long!

We had only been walking for thirty minutes; or maybe it was a year or something, it was hard to tell when all I could think about were my freezing toes while listening to my brothers constant bickering or questions.

Honestly... I was starting to miss the calmer atmosphere from before they came.

I know, weird coming from the most awesome of out of us four, but after being in country instead of a busy city for so long, my views were changing.

"So Usagi, about the whole prophecy thing you told us about a bit ago." Donatello started, sounding confused as he trailed behind. "What happens when it's all over? How's Mikey going to get back to Earth when he's, well, already kind of there?"

"Hm?" Usagi turned, narrowing his eyes with curiosity.

"Mikey's body is there. Fading away." Leo slowly explained, glancing at me. "It's been that way for a while now."

I shrugged, already knowing of this due to a past vision encounter with Jei.

"Did you guys bring me any pizza???" I randomly questioned, bouncing once as I mentally prayed that one of them would say yes to my question.

"Yeah." Raph said, making me whirl towards him. "Because we definitely expected that suddenly we would see a blinding white light and then be teleported to another realm where our little brother, who's literally been in a coma in a separate body and only made of air whenever we tried touching him, would be with a weird prophecy and group of people that will take us to someone we already killed. Surely had enough notice to grab a few slices." He snorted.

"Great! So which one of you brought the pizza??" I eagerly asked.

Everyone except Usagi and Rosebud made some sort of annoyed gesture, before continuing on with their conversation, not answering my question.

I blinked.

"Mikey..." Rosebud whispered beside me, and I looked down at her. She was staring up at me with a small smile, her fur seeming to burn in the faint firelight.

"Your brother- the one with the red cloth- he was just being sarcastic. I'm sorry that we don't have any pizza for you." She whispered.

I stared for a moment before sighing, nodding to her.

"It's fine Rosebud, sorry I'm a bit slow. I'm not used to my brothers being around again, and honestly... Nevermind." I trailed off, beginning to walk again.

"... You can tell me if you want, Mikey, I'll listen and won't tell them." She promised, walking alongside me as we disappeared around the bend ahead.

No one else noticed our departure, but I figured they would soon follow.

"It's not really anything. Just, I have never really done much without my brothers before. Well, that is actually not really true..." I realized, tipping my head.

"I lasted weeks in Dimension X without them. And there was space, where we actually went back in time twice. Because the second time the Triceratons came to Earth, they won again when our ship crashed onto Mars. Me and April survived and fixed it though by creating another time loop. And a few times in space- we were out for six months each time- I wandered off and had such amazing adventures!" I recalled, tipping my head.

"And a lot more times happened where I did things without their help..." I smiled, but then a frown made it's way back onto my face.

"I thought at first that this, the prophecy of Kuda or whatever, would be impossible without them. It's just always weird not having them around. Then after a while I felt stronger, like it was better they would not be here with such danger. But now..."

"Are they a weakness for you?" She questioned.

Before I could answer her, a strange sight ahead caught my eye. For some reason, around the next bend, there was a big source of light; I could see the white brightness seeping around the corner.

"Uh, I guess, I'll be right back-"

"What's up there? That light?" Rosebud also saw it, and scampered toward it. I quickened my pace as she turned into the light, but then...

With a flash, she was gone.

"Huh? Rosebud?!" I called out, racing forward and around the corner.

The cave passageway was gone.

There was only open air, and the mountain side creeping out beneath the crumbling ledge of what once was the path. I could see a partly frozen stream trickling underneath me, forming patches of ice over the edge and down below...

Far below, a few bits of rubble poker out of the thick snow, showing that once a bridge of some sort had been here but had collapsed over time.

Oh no! Rosebud!

I saw her bright shape silently tumbling down the steep slope, following an invisible trail that somehow swarmed between the rocks. I stared with my mouth parted, taking in as much air as I could as fear settled in, leaning forward to see better-

"Mikey??" A voice echoed from behind me, making me whip around.

The ground slid and then, in an instant, disappeared from beneath me.

Wɩŋteʀ Rʌveŋ ☾ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗥 (TMNT)Where stories live. Discover now