9| It cʌŋ't ɓe...

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Yay, new chapter! And five or so days since the last one, which was my average goal. I'll try to do this way from now on. I also edited another chapter of Wings and Stars a couple days ago. If you didn't see my message board update on Nightcreek , know that this is the last book and will have around 30 chapters, but there will be a special addition after this is done, which I'm kind of excited to write.

12/14/22 edit:  I know I deleted dozens of my fics years ago for some reason but don't remember 'Wings and Stars' at all. Anyone remember by chance? I'm curious lol

Chapter Nine: It can't be...

When we finally broke through the last of the trees, just as the sun reached it's highest peak in the sky, the scenery changed once more. Left behind were the large meadows from the day before; no longer before us was the lush vegetation we had just passed through.

No, it was now simply a thin stretch of rocky land, with spiked boulders cutting through the stone. But just beyond that, easy to see now that we weren't surrounded by trees...

I slowly smiled, staring in awe at the snowy peaks that I hadn't been able to see for months.

We had almost reached the edge of the mountains.


The familiar voice behind me made me turn, eyes landing on the speaker. Rosebud gently nudged the bamboo hat that was laying at her paws.

"This is for you. I'm tired of carrying it on my back and it won't fit my head when we go through the mountains, anyways." She shrugged, stepping back.

I smiled, bending down to pick it up.

"Thanks, Rosebud. I still can't wait until this is all over and we can just relax." I added, strapping the hat to my back. I sighed, thinking dreamily of after everything here was over.

But how will I get back home...?

"Me too!" Rosebud put on a elated smile, reminding me of our conversation. Her sky blue eyes shined as she looked up at me. "We'll find Jei, and defeat anything that comes in the way of our goals." She firmly nodded, sky blue eyes shining as she looked ahead to the mountains.

I smiled and happily grabbed my supplies sack from the ground, hurrying after Usagi and Karasu, who had already began picking their way to the other side.

But what I didn't see just behind me, were the challenging looks two certain mutants were giving each other; eyes as cold and hostile as the mountains we were soon to enter.

* * *

The wind was unnaturally calm.

We had only just began trekking through the mountains, following a rickety trail along the side of the nearest one. There was no straight path, so I was confused as to how we would get through the mountains in time too get to wherever Jei was: all I knew now, was that we needed to get past here.

Thankfully, the weather was currently quiet enough that I could yell my questioning thoughts to Usagi, who was a bit up ahead.

"Usagi!" I called out.

He paused, turning back to look at me. Karasu, who was still walking by his side, also glanced my way. Both of their ears were pricked, straining to hear over the distance and small breeze.

That's so cool, how they can move them around like that. I wish I could have animal ears...

With the thought, a memory of the campfire night with Kintaro flashed through my mind, and I tried not to laugh when I remembered how bratty he had been when me and my brothers first met him.

Remembering that they were still waiting, I quickly continued.

"How will we get out of the mountains quick enough?!" I yelled, tipping my head.

Without answering, Usagi motioned with his head back to the trail, which was veering around the side of a boulder. With a slightly amused look, he said...

"You will soon see, Michelangelo."

He calmly turned and continued on, leaving me with an unsatisfied mind. Why does everyone always have to be so secretive? Why don't we all just fully answer questions?

As I dully studied the mountain landscape, something caught my eye; or should I say, the lack of it caught my eye.

"Huh?" I gasped, frantically looking at the empty trail ahead. "Where did they go?!"

An aggravated sigh from behind me made me stiffen, but I relaxed when I realized that it was just Doku. She pushed past me, pointedly walking ahead and around the boulder I had noted moments before.

Rising voices made me snap into action, hurrying after her and darting around the corner.

Before I could help myself, a gasp escaped my lips. Ten feet ahead was a large cavern tunnel, each side of the entrance lighted with candles. And before it, where everyone was gathered now... Stood a large, rugged coyote mutant; his vest covered in daggers, one of which he now threateningly held.

"You!" He snarled, head snapping to me.

"Me??" I gulped, staring with wide eyes at his weapon collection.

All I had was a dagger one of the elven had put in my sack and my nunchucks, one of which was falling apart as the chains were rusting.

"Are you the one this silly rodent speaks of?" He jerked his head towards Usagi; who as expected, did not react to the insult.

Before I could say anything, he spoke again.

"The winged warrior from the prophecy? Because if that's false young one, then I will have no choice but to banish you all, one way or another." He snarled, straightening as he glared at all of us in turn.

I awkwardly cleared my throat, realizing that I still had to answer him. I was beginning to feel even more uncomfortable, having to answer all of these insane questions.

"Um, yeah... I'm in the prophecy thing-"

"Then prove it. Show me the key. Shouldn't be that difficult for you." The guard now growled, narrowing his dark brown eyes in suspicion.

"The key?" I echoed, wearily looked to my companions for aid. But they simply stared back at me, all having confused looks as well.

"Michelangelo, the key needed to defeat Jei. You must have it. I gave it to your brother, you were supposed to take it when he showed you all..." Usagi trailed off, eyes narrowing as he looked away. "Unless if..."

None of my brothers had ever been given a key- most definitely not a magical one from a whole other realm- so how could it possibly exist...

"What are you talking about?" I finally demanded, voice wavering from stress.

"I think he means this."

I froze.

No... It can't be... It can't be him...

Wɩŋteʀ Rʌveŋ ☾ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗥 (TMNT)Where stories live. Discover now