8| Sʋŋʀɩse

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Hey guys, here's a new chapter! I made a TWW drawing, which is shown in the photo above, I forgot Mikey's freckles though xD

Chapter Eight: Sunrise

I woke up with a yawn, upset to still feel an aching tiredness in my limbs.

We had all gotten around seven hours of sleep, which back on earth was usually enough for me. But that was when I had a comfy mattress and air conditioning, not when I was forced to sleep on the hard meadow floor with my only cover being one of the blankets the elven gave.

As the haze of sleep melted away, the sound from the day before began in my head once more. Thankfully, it was now only a distant thrumming.

"Still doesn't make it good though." I whispered, yawning again as I slowly blinked, looking around our makeshift campsite.

My eyes skimmed over my companions, who all except for one were sleeping on the ground. It only took me a moment to locate Karasu, who was carrying out his shift; he was about fifteen feet away, kicking at the small stones littering the earth.

Since it was practically dawn, I decided that I might as well stay awake. And maybe, it was even the right time to learn more about my snappy companion...?

He kind of reminds me of past Kintaro in that way, but at least he actually respects people.

Taking in a deep breath, I stood and hesitantly walked over to him. He pricked his ears, shuffling them towards me, but didn't speak as I sat on a rock a few feet away.

After a couple minutes, I could feel his eyes on the side of my head, and finally spoke up.

"You know..." I shuffled my feet as I rubbed my fingers together, staring blankly across the meadow and into the forest. "You kind of remind me of someone, er- multiple people, actually."

I narrowed my eyes in thought, not noticing when he flicked his orange and black ears, peering at me from the corner of his eye.

"Ah, yeah, my brothers, that's who you remind me of." I slowly nodded before glancing back at him, his dark green eyes meeting mine.

I awkwardly cleared my throat, not knowing what to say that would avoid awkward silence.

"... I have heard tales of your brothers, Usagi has spoken of the time you all visited." Karasu suddenly said, making my eyes light up.

Wow, we already have legends about us or something!

I then grinned as I thought about the three brothers of mine. Yes, it's like they're all apart of Karasu in some way. Raph's fierceness, Leo's thoughtfulness, and Donatello's sarcasm.

Realizing that Karasu was now silent, I cleared my throat again.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters? Are they also looking different from normal mutants? Are they in the village or something? I can't believe your parents would let you go on this... Journey thing, which even I don't understand." I spoke, shaking my head in disbelief. "But you're what, eight years old??"

"Nine actually." Karasu retorted, a hint of a growl in his voice as he stood.

The calm atmosphere had been shot dead and left to rot, and it seemed to be connected directly to the young tiger-human mutant.

Wɩŋteʀ Rʌveŋ ☾ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗥 (TMNT)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt