6| Silent riders

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Sorry guys, I'm ill so I've not had much energy to actually write, I would rather look at memes and rest all day lol. But to be honest, I haven't watched TMNT for months. So this series is literally my last TMNT fanfictions. I like writing it though, but the keeping Mikey in character etc part is sometimes hard, which I realized during the last update and therefore put in a pizza scene xD

Chapter Six: Silent Riders

Now realizing that I had detected something, everyone stayed silent, looking around with searching gazes. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a couple of the elves pull silver arrows from their quivers. And then, at that exact moment...

The loud neighing of horses, and the sound of hooves beating against grass, broke through the air.

In moments, all the elves were silently ducking into the trees, professionally camouflaging themselves among the thick undergrowth.

I watched in bewilderment, realizing if it had been sixteen years yet I still wasn't able to do stealth on such a skilled level... How old did these mostly youthful looking elves have to be?

"Turtle!" Karasu hissed, making me snap back to reality.

I hurried to the nearest tree, next to the one where Rosebud was shielded beneath ferns. I hid behind the thick trunk, praying that it would be enough to conceal me.

Where our patrol had been only moments ago, was now empty space.

The quiet trotting of the approaching hoofbeats against the grass made us all hold our breaths, some of the others silently drawing their weapons when it seemed the newcomers were right there...

A dozen horses broke from the trees and into the small clearing, all of them- except one- gray with black armor. The one in the front, decorated with spikes and a complicated level of protection, was black as night.

But the eerie creatures didn't even compare to the other beings.

The people riding the gray horses were all savage looking beasts, their pelts flea-ridden and fur tangled, only the fiercest and wildest looks in their eyes. Most were bearing traces of baboons and coyotes, but there were also a couple with horns or tusks, reminding me more of oxen and warthogs.

"Elven land not shadowed, light be here with strange." One of the baboons muttered, words gruff and hard to understand, but earning a rough snort from a warthog behind him.

I narrowed my eyes, peering further around the ferns. I caught a glimpse of bright silver and looked past the group, where an elven warrior was readying his bow, expression calculating every movement.

The group had slowed down as if to briefly rest after a long journey, but the leader on the dark horse-....

When I saw the horse turn to face them, what I had thought were just shadows covering the rider was in fact a black cloak; darker then any black I had seen, to the point where it looked as if he was simply a void. I could not see his face but I could sense... I could sense something was there... Not human... Not mutant...

I stared intently, as if in a trance, he was right there, so close, he came here for a reason, I'm meant to see...


I shifted on my feet, slowly bringing my hand off the tree. There was something about this cloaked figure. There was something about him. Something important. He needed me. I needed to talk to him.

"Aĸîŋä... Eĸèłŋɩɭ..."

My mouth was slightly parted, breathing in more air, my eyes glazed over as I watched him.

Everything else blurred, nothing else was important. Not the confused riders on the gray horses, not the questioning look that one of the elven that had me in their sight now gave me.

Only the cloaked figure, slowly turning. All I could see was darkness, it was apart of him, it was him.

My eyes began to change, darkening, I could feel it. His darkness, it was pitch black, and I felt so drawn to it... He was right there, beckoning, he knew that I was here. I had to see him, talk to him...

I could feel myself standing now, ever so slowly, twitching and trying not to shake.

I was now fully up, hands peeling away from where they had been pressed against the bark. I was ready, and my foot shuffled forward, my breathing getting faster as I prepared to step around the tree.

My breath hitched in my throat, as he seemed to stare straight at me. My ears were ringing, my head filled with the sound of my heart beating slower and slower, dwindling off...

I could hear his breathing, the dark muffled noise, getting closer to my tree. He was there, so close. Nothing would stop our meeting, nothing could, this was so important...


The small noise made me and all of the riders snap our heads towards the other side of the clearing, eyes narrowing in on a small rock, which had cracked a few twigs on one of the bare bushes.

The next moment something heavy slammed into my side, tackling me to the ground and rolling me into the ferns.

I tried to cry out in surprise, struggling, but my arms were under me and a pale hand had covered my mouth. An armored knee was planted on the back of my shell, keeping me on the ground, hidden from view of the dark riders.

"What the heck?!?!" I tried to yell- but instead, it came out as a barely audible muffle. It only made the person holding me down press his hand against my face harder, in a better attempt to silent me.

Why am I being restrained when I have such an important thing to do?!

By the time I managed to shift enough that I could peer upwards, instead of being forced to look only at the grass, I saw the eerie horses trotting away through the forest.

They were leaving...

Rage filled me as the weight on my back lifted, and I stumbled to my feet, facing away from everyone as they came out of hiding. I curled my hands into fists, clenching my teeth as my breathing became heavy, feeling my dark blue eyes turning darker and darker as the moments ticked by.


Letting out a cry of anger, I whirled around and leapt at the elven warrior who had restrained me from doing what I was supposed to. He easily stepped out of the way, not revealing his shock as he glided a small distance away from me.

Before I could turn to leap at him again, I was knocked to the ground. Even more angry, I twisted around to face the same captor...

But the tip of a sword in my face made me freeze in place.

"What is going on here?!" Usagi's voice demanded from behind me, but I ignored him, seething.

"Why did you do that?!" I screamed, eyes now nearly pitch black. "You stupid fool, you have no idea what you just did!" I spat, glaring at the elven despite being the one with no defense.

"You mean to say I have no idea how I just saved your life?" He cooly asked, tipping his head.

"Those, supposed new ally, were Silent Riders. And the one you choose to adore so much..." He growled, threateningly pressing his deer skin boot onto my plastron. "Is one of the ancient beings of Jai's summoning."

"One of the Molzons."

Wɩŋteʀ Rʌveŋ ☾ 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗗 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗥 (TMNT)Where stories live. Discover now