do you want me to push you?❞ taeil flinched when he suddenly heard a voice beside him. turning to the side, he saw a smiling yuta which caused him to roll his eyes.

why would you push me?

for you to break a leg and doyoung to carry you.❞ yuta said, giggling after.

the older slapped yuta by the arm, ❝i'm not breaking a leg just to—

too late, yuta already pushed him.

too hard actually. taeil wasn't expecting it to be so hard that he stumbled on the coffee table placed peacefully beside him. yuta snorted at the older and meeting a hard slap on the arm by his boyfriend who's not happy at what he did.

need help?❞ taeil looked up as he hears a familiar voice. his heart beating at an unhealthy pace but he's not even complaining.

doyoung walked passed by him and helped johnny carry the boxes and placed it at the kitchen. probably more plates, that chenle ordered, and utensils since they needed more.

seeing taeil's hopeful face changing to the opposite and is now having a frown on his face made yuta laugh really loud. sicheng silence the male by slapping him again by the arm, but that didn't work and yuta continued on laughing. sicheng sighed, giving up on his boyfriend, and went to help taeil but someone went ahead of him.

do you need help?

taeil clicked his tongue, not looking up to see who was speaking to him, ❝help my ass.❞ he then stood up on his own, feeling the pain on his leg, and then dusted the dirt off his pants. he saw sicheng looking at him with a smile and yuta sending him messages with his eyes, taeil finally turned to his side to see who was giving a helping hand and he never felt embarrassed ever in life.

doyoung giggled, ❝are you okay? you seem grumpy early in the morning.

i'm.. i'm fine.❞ taeil wanted to slap himself for almost stuttering. he then heard a hum from doyoung and heard his footsteps disappearing to the kitchen.

he stared at the couple that witnessed the scene and then squealed like a teenage girl.

what the fuck did i do?❞ he managed to say, his hands messing up his own hair.

yuta shrugged, ❝missed the chance.

and for this time, sicheng agreed at what his boyfriend said. taeil crouched down the floor, not caring about the pain on his leg, and then whined like a kid.

please kill me.


lucas shouldn't have done that.

after all, the reason why he decided to grant jungwoo's wish is just for the older to experience having a boyfriend before finally having a real one. he knows jungwoo has feelings for doyoung, well that's what he knows. jungwoo would probably be happy if he finds out that doyoung carried him up to his shared room with the giant.

their relationship isn't even real but lucas didn't want anyone to touch his sunshine.

lucas?❞ jungwoo groaned as he felt the familiarity of the bed he is sharing with lucas. ❝what am i doing here?

i..❞ he carried him there of course. but thinking of jungwoo's happiness, lucas needed to lie, ❝doyoung hyung carried you here.❞ not really a lie since doyoung did offer to carry jungwoo but lucas' jealous ass turned down the offer.

that wasn't really a big deal for jungwoo, which lucas found it weird. if he was to be carried by his crush or what, he would scream at the top of his lungs until he has no voice left. but jungwoo just snuggled closer to the pillows and hummed as a response of what he said.

i'm sorry for teasing you last night.❞ lucas said, his hand playing with jungwoo's soft locks while admiring how peaceful the older looked when sleeping.

you said sorry.❞ jungwoo giggled, eyes still closed, ❝you are forgiven.

but just so you know, you are my sunshine.❞ jungwoo nodded at what lucas said, too tired to properly react. he knows it's all an act, lucas needed to be a boyfriend material to grant jungwoo's wish.

a moment of silence with jungwoo slowly drifting to sleep while lucas still playing with the older's hair.

lucas sighed, ❝i'm not kidding.❞ he said, thinking that the older was already deep asleep.

but just when jungwoo was about to let sleep take over him, he heard it loud and clear. his heart then started to beat really fast, preventing him from sleeping.

the two stayed that way, lucas just admiring jungwoo while the older was now acting like he was sleeping for the sake of lucas not to find out about him hearing the words that are coming out from his mouth.

the tall male smiled, ❝my beautiful sunshine.

stop it, jungwoo shouted inside his head as he was probably blushing like crazy. he just wants to sleep.

t b c

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