the young chinese tilted his head to the side, ❝why are your faces red?

n-nothing!❞ the answered at the same time which caused the younger to be suspicious.

sure..❞ chenle squinted his eyes at the two and then brought back his bright smile, ❝they are calling you guys. we are going to the beach!

we'll catch up lele..❞ lucas said, smiling at how cute chenle is acting.

be sure to.❞ chenle said, ❝taeyong hyung doesn't want anyone to stay here.

the two nodded as they watched chenle go out, screaming jisung's name. they then giggled when they heard taeil's voice scolding the young chinese.

jungwoo watched the younger standing up from the bed and his cheeks heated up when he saw him taking off his shirt. ❝what the fuck are you doing lucas?

seducing you—❞ and with that, lucas met a pillow that was being thrown hard to his face.

jungwoo was red as ever. can he ever calm down with lucas? guess not.

oh, you asked for it.❞ lucas had an evil smirk on his face and gripped the pillow very tight.


mark had his brow knitted when he saw lucas and jungwoo coming out from chenle's big ass beach house.

they had their hairs disheveled, sticking out everywhere, looking like they did something intense inside the house. mark wondered what.

jungwoo left lucas and went to join the others that were playing by the sea meanwhile lucas sat next to mark who's by the seashore, watching everyone. or probably just having an eye for only one person, which lucas guessed that it's the tanned male who's running after jaemin.

what happened to you?❞ mark asked, picking up the feather that's sticking to lucas' messy hair. ❝and what took you guys so long to come out of the house?

jungwoo and i had the most intense battle of the pillow.

mark's jaw fell, ❝you mean pillow fight?

intense battle of the pillow.

deciding not to argue anymore, mark accepted that the reason why lucas and jungwoo took long to come out of the house is because they had an intense battle of the pillow. can his fellow friend get more stupid than this?

anyways, how is it with jungwoo?❞ mark changed the topic.

how is it with donghyuck?

mark frowned, ❝i asked first.

lucas raised his brows, ❝i asked second.

can someone tell mark why he befriended a person like lucas? he is this near to going all out. but he didn't want to get scolded about how friends should act towards each other by taeil, doyoung, kun, and taeyong. and so, he took a deep breath and flashed lucas a smile.

damn boy.❞ lucas chuckled, nudging mark by the shoulder. ❝i was just playing with you.

i'm not having fun.

i sure am.❞ lucas scanned the people playing by the sea and his eyes landed to jungwoo who's with jeno by the seashore making sand castles. ❝we're doing good.

still friends?

wish lucas can proudly say that they are now in a relationship. ❝still bestfriends.

well, better move now before someone gets ahead of you.❞ mark said, watching doyoung approaching jungwoo and giving him ice cream.

jeno pouted at doyoung for not buying him one also but a moment later, two boys approached him and gave him a cup of ice cream. one strawberry flavored and the other was vanilla. jungwoo drooled at the sight of jeno receiving two cups of ice cream from jaemin and renjun.

lucas saw that and surprisingly maintained his composure, ❝you too man.

mark scoffed, ❝who would go for donghyuck other than me?❞ everyone in the group has a partner already and there's no way there's someone who can handle donghyuck's personality other than him.

lucas smirked, standing up, ❝me.

what?❞ mark saw lucas running towards donghyuck and carried the tanned male bridal style. mark licked his bottom lip in annoyance as he heard donghyuck's laugh when lucas was carrying him around. ❝that fucker is going to get it.

mark isn't the only one getting hurt at the sight. jungwoo, who stopped licking his ice cream, saw lucas and donghyuck scream and laughing as they were running around the beach. lucas finally threw donghyuck at the sea, deep enough for donghyuck to drown and jungwoo swore he saw mark running towards them and diving to the sea, flash is cancelled.

jungwoo, your ice cream is melting.❞ doyoung said, getting jungwoo's attention.

oh.❞ was about to lick the melting ice cream but doyoung got ahead of him. his face turned bright red meanwhile the other only had a victory smile on his face. ❝d-doyoung?

chocolate, yummy.❞ doyoung chuckled, ruffling jungwoo's soft hair.

lucas clicked his tongue at them, ❝i suddenly hate chocolates.

with one last look he then left, ignoring the coughing donghyuck and a worried mark behind.

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