Christmas Special: <Magic>

Start from the beginning

^^Hana's necklace

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^^Hana's necklace

Backstory about this "marking" necklace type.... Well so animals mark their mates by biting them right? In the modern society if a half breed bit their mate(that was not possibly another half breed but a human)would be weird. And if they were teenagers they'd definitely get caught by Teachers or parents etc. So these necklaces are specifically for the different animals. Having the animal as part of the necklace tells other half breeds that it was that animal's mate. Some animals were stronger than others, so these necklaces would tell the weaker half breeds to back off and not mess with the stronger half breads' mates. So Ōkami giving Akazuki the necklace would tell other half breeds that she was his, and not to mess with her as since it is a wolf people would also be intimidated as wolves were one of the most dangerous though dwindling half breeds. Now back to the story....

Akazuki's POV
He liked taking pictures and is a sweet tooth. I kept thinking these two pointers that Karasuno gave me. Hana walked into my room with a plate of cookies in hand. She had changed out of her school uniform and into a comfortable sweater. That's it! The idea for his present hit me like an apple that dropped from a tree. I could knit a sweater for him, make some cookies and get him a Polaroid camera! I jumped out of bed hugging Hana, "You are a genius! Thanks!" Then I took a cookie from the plate and started munching. "'re welcome?" Hana replied while giving me a questioning look.

Immediately I started looking for a camera online. I found a camera which was sky blue like his eyes, it would definitely fit him well. I checked the price and the outlet I could buy it at, it was nearby so maybe I would go get it later on. Then I took out some black and white wool yarn from under my bed and started knitting.

(Time skip to Christmas Eve)

Akazuki's POV
It was already ten in the evening. Santa would be coming soon. I took out the chocolate chip cookies I had made earlier this morning and warmed up a glass of milk. Putting them on the table in the living room. I went up to my room to take a blanket and a pillow as I was freezing downstairs. I arranged it nicely under the tree and got under the big warm blanket. Closing my eyes, awaiting for Santa to come.

Ōkami's POV
It was very late into the night, most people were asleep by now. However instead of being in bed, I was outside Akazuki's house. Snow was flying everywhere, it was a beautiful night. I was going to sneak into a girl's house, late in the night. Why was I doing this? I wanted to be like Santa, I planned to put her present under the tree. It would have been embarrassing giving it to her in front of Hana. As Hana would have teased me mercilessly. I was in my wolf form for now as it was really cold.

I walked towards the window outside the living room, it was dark inside everyone was asleep. That was good, no one would know I was here. With my claws, I picked the lock. It was complicated but I managed to. I shifted into my half form, despite some of my fur sticking with me and my sweater, I was still freezing my tail off. I opened the window, climbing in carefully. Making sure that I did not make a sound. Once I got in I shut the window, I begin to walk but my leg hit something. It was...

♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now