Chapter 14 - Eros

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Her head snapped up when she heard her name. "Yes? Are you the new waiter? You're late." She pushed a plate into my hands. "We'll get you some decent clothes in a minute. First help me get this done."

"I'm not-"

She wasn't listening anymore, pushing me aside and handing me more dirty dishes so she could wipe down the table with the yellow cloth she was holding. Her white blouse was slightly stained with sweet – she must have been working all day and in this heat... No wonder she was grumpy. Still, I had no trouble seeing why Ben had dated her. She was stunning. Long legs, tiny waist, big breasts that spilled out of her red bra that was slightly showing through her blouse and luscious blonde hair that was pulled back by a black hairclip. To top all that, she had bright green eyes and lips painted so red it was hard not to stare at them.

She caught me staring at her and scowled. I shook myself back into awareness, hating that I still could see such things as beauty in other girls. My own girlfriend was in a coma, for crying out loud. And here I was, staring at another woman's lips. Not that I desired her in any way, but still. It was bad enough for me to notice these things, to think about her breasts, her hair, her figure.

I was truly a horrible person. Not a single inch of me had ever deserved Demona and with every day that passed without her by my side, I discovered just how awful I truly was. How crazy she must have been for loving me. For sacrificing herself for me.

"Come on," Nancy snapped.

I followed her to the back of the dining hall and into the spacious kitchen where the staff was starting to clean up and load the dishwashers. I rinsed off the dishes I was holding and handed them to Nancy to put in the right places.

"What's your name again?" Nancy asked, taking me to an adjacent room that was filled with clothes. Aprons, jackets, blouses... Everything with the Palace emblem on it: a golden arch.

"Eros," I told her. "And I'm not a waiter. I'm actually here to ask you something."

"Not a waiter?" She threw down the shirt she'd just picked up for me. "Seriously? And you waited this long to tell me? What could you possible want to ask me?"

"Maybe we could sit down somewhere, have a drink?"

"You're not asking me out, are you?" She looked me up and down. "Although if you are, I might as well say yes. It's not like I'm seeing anyone."

My mind was working very hard to find the best approach. She seemed like a tough nut to crack and if Calliope had been right about her missing Ben, it might not be smart to start talking about him right away. Having a drink with her, getting her to unwind... That was probably my best bet and to be fair, butting up girls was my area of expertise. Even without my powers, I felt certain I could still charm the pants off this girl if I wanted to.

"My grandmother lives here," I said, waving a lie that would work. "And I've seen you around a few times. You're by far the prettiest girl that works here. Maybe even the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I'm glad to hear that you're no seeing anyone..." I winked at her, hoping I wasn't laying it on too thick. It had been a while since I'd deliberately flirted with anyone but Demona. "To answer your question: I'm certainly asking you out."

Her sullen expression turned into a small smile. "How about tomorrow. I'm not working in the afternoon, so we could have our date then."

"And wait another day to see you?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. "That would be torture. How about right now?"

"I'm so gross right now," she complained, "I've been working all day and I still have half an hour to go."

Moving closer to her, I touched her arm. "You look like a beautiful blonde goddess to me, Nancy. How about I help you clear those last tables so you can duck out early. Let me buy you a drink."

Supernatural Boarding School #3 - A Brush of Death ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang