Chapter 7 - Simon

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Simon's point of view

A sharp knock on the glass wall of my study room in the library made me look up in surprise. It was still two hours before curfew – surely the librarian wasn't kicking me out already?

Sheila smiled at me through the glass, holding up two cups of coffee. Now that was a nice surprise. I got up to open the door for her and she walked in, looking around the small room in wonder.

"That's a lot of books," she commented before sitting down on the only chair in there besides my own. She put down the two coffees and picked up some of my notes, tilting her hair as she tried to make sense of them. Finally glancing up at me, she smiled. "You can sit back down if you want to."

"Right." I closed the door and sat back down next to her. "What are you doing here?"

Her brow furrowed and I realized I hadn't sounded very nice.

"Not that I don't like seeing you," I added hastily. "Because I do, I really do. I just didn't expect to see you here tonight."

She pushed her long brown hair out of her face and shifted in her chair so her body was directed toward me. "I was hoping to spend some time with you this week, after..." She licked her lips and gave me a smile that can only be described as sexy. "You know what I mean. But I feel like you've been avoiding me."

"Oh, no, that wasn't my intention." Although she did have a point. While she'd sought me out at every single meal since our kiss, I hadn't put much effort into this, whatever it was. My thoughts were usually with Dem, leaving little space for anything else. "I've just been busy."

She gestured at the piles of books around me. "I can see that. How about you let me help you? Maybe you could finish early tonight and we could hang out for a while?"

"Hang out?" I swallowed, wondering just exactly what she meant by this. I wasn't used to this. I'd only dated two girls in my life so far and both of those relationship hadn't exactly ended happily. Evidently, I was doing something wrong in my love life. I either sucked at dating or I just fell in love with the wrong girls.

"You're cute when you get all nervous." Sheila sipped her coffee and drummed her fingers on the table. "So, tell me, what can I do? Is there a system in here somewhere?"

I explained that I was just leafing though any book I could find to see if there was anything in there that could possibly be useful to Demona. Until I found something, it was hard to really decide on a system. So far, I only had the left side of the room stocked with new books while the right side of the room was filled with those I was done with.

Sheila just nodded and got to work. I tried to get back to my research as well, but Sheila proved to be too big a distracting to get back to my usual groove. She wasn't even doing anything particularly interesting, but her presence was enough to make me feel unsettled.

"You're staring at me," she told me when she closed her second book and reached for a new one. "I thought you were too busy to even talk to me, but you seem to have no trouble looking at me." Her tone was light and flirty.

"Erm, sorry." I felt my skin flush and I pulled up the hood of my sweater, praying that one day I would get smoother when it came to girls. This was downright pathetic. How had I ever gotten both Dem and Amy to kiss me?


I looked up and saw that Sheila was leaning forward, one of her hands on the back of my chair. "I wasn't saying that I mind you looking at me." She reached for my hood and pulled it down, her fingers moving lightly over my hair. "Much better," she decided with a smile. "Your hair is cute when it's all messy."

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