Chapter 42 - Demona

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Please tell me if you spot mistakes in spelling or grammar or if something just seems off to you. I worked hard on this chapter, but I am not quite happy yet. It's a sort of filler chapter or transition chapter or something, so I can move on to the next bit of the story. It's a hard one to write. I just want to get this book finished though, before I start editing, so I am going to post everything I write anyway. Bear with me please!

Demona's point of view

The hospital staff would sure be glad to see me go one day. Doctor Matthews had started to put up a fight when my friends started inflating balloons and bewitching them to float around, some of them lighting up while others exploded in glitter.

It seemed a girl that everyone lovingly called 'nurse Sara' was responsible for getting the doctor to back off. I wasn't allowed to have this many visitors in my room at once, but I was grateful that nurse Sara had been able to convince the other staff members to make an exception for me. It was, after all, the tenth of July, which meant that today, against all odds, I was turning nineteen.

"It's not like we all weren't already turning a blind eye to whatever went on in here on a daily basis," I heard Sara saying to Eros, smiling fondly up at him. "We all knew that you were pretty much living her those first three months. It's not like a birthday party is all that different from you sleeping in a chair next to her bed. Both are against protocol and heavily frowned upon."

I wanted to know about this nurse Sara person who seemed to be a bit too chummy with my boyfriend. Of course, I trusted Eros, but it still wasn't nice to see someone with curves like hers smiling adoringly at the man you loved more than life itself. Had she been gazing at him with those big eyes every day for four months?

"Everyone will be here in a few minutes," my mother said happily as she looked around the room. "I think we're ready."

Eros, Dylan, Simon and Mom had been in here for a few hours already, making sure there were chairs and cake and balloons. Simon had mostly been using his magic on the balloons, while Dylan had tried to distract him so there'd be glitter exploding everywhere without Simon meaning to do so. Eros had been charming the hospital staff to allow us to have my party in here, with that flirty nurse helping him. So basically, Mom had been the one who was actually making sure we were ready.

"Are you sure you don't need to be in bed?" Mom asked for the millionth time. She'd grudgingly allowed me to put on something other than a hospital gown or pajamas, but she seemed to second guess giving me the green light.

"I'm fine, Mom. It's not like they'll be dancing or alcohol or anything. My friends are just coming over to see me. I'll be in a chair the whole time and my bed is right over there if I need it. I'm feeling fine. I have for days now. There is nothing wrong with me anymore."

Dylan heard that and he cocked an eyebrow at me. "Nothing?"

I shot him a warning look. I was in no mood to discuss the tiny little problem of me compelling people. It hadn't happened since that kiss with Eros, so I was hoping I was over that. Truth be told, a dark misty feeling had been bubbling deep in me, trying to get out for days now, but I hadn't told anyone. Sure, Simon knew. Eros knew. They were insufferable close to Dylan, so he must know as well, but Mom wasn't in the loop and I didn't want her to be.

"Noah is here," Eros announced. Indeed, I could hear him greeting a doctor in the hallway, chatting easily. Dylan heard his father's arrival as well, but Simon and Mom didn't share our supernatural hearing. She was the one most excited by Noah's presence, of course.

"Hey baby," Noah said with a huge beaming grin when he opened the door.

Mom greeted him with a kiss, looking much calmer and happier the moment he put an arm around her. I had never seen someone having that effect on her. She'd dated in the past, but no one had made my mother light up like a freaking Christmas tree. It was wonderful to see.

Supernatural Boarding School #3 - A Brush of Death ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora