Chapter 50 - Eros

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Eros' point of view

It was a good thing the roads were deserted this early in the morning, because I was driving like a maniac. Anne was in the passenger seat, awake but dizzy and nauseous. She had already thrown up twice, luckily in a bag and not all over herself or me. Cornelia was in the backseat, using her magic to make Greg more comfortable as I turned corners with far too much speed and not slowing down for red lights or speed bumps or anything.

Luckily, it only took us five minutes tops to get to the medical center and pull Anne and Greg out of the car, rushing them in. Everything was a blur from that point. Doctors and nurses came running, taking them from us. I spotted that one of them was a witch by checking everyone's auras and I pointed him out to Cornelia. She talked to him, letting him in on what had happened and he immediately ordered his colleagues to get him the supplies he needed and get Anne and Greg into hospital beds.

We weren't allowed to stay with them and I had spent so much time in Demona's hospital that I knew for a fact how amazing the medical staff were at their jobs, so I trusted they would do what needed to be done. I had a lot of spare energy because Demona had given all of hers to me and Simon, but Cornelia was close to a break-down, so I put a hand on her shoulder and let a lot of my energy shift into her. I needed her awake and sharp. There was no way I could get through this night without an adult by my side. I tried to keep calm, but I was close to losing it myself.

"Thanks," Cornelia told me, slumping down in a chair in the waiting room. "I'm gonna need all the help I can get. I need to call my boss in a moment, but I just... I can't right now."

I often forgot that Cornelia might be a powerful witch and a high official at KTS, but she didn't run the world. She had a boss and from the look on her face, he was tough. I was too restless to sit down, so I got her a cup of coffee and some tea for myself, since I was too jittery for caffeine. She eagerly took it from me, gulping it down like it was a glass of water. While she sat, I kept pacing back and forward, too restless to sit down.

"You know what I need to do, right?" she asked me, her expression worn. She wasn't talking to me the way she usually did, like she was the one in control and she just needed to convince me that she was right. We had finally broken her.

"I get that you need to tell KTS," I agreed. "And I also get that Demona might need even more help and training and that she can't be allowed out for a while."

She shook her head. "I'm not talking about Demona, Eros. I'm not stupid, you know. I've suspected that Anne knows about the supernatural world for a while now. She's dating a witch. I've been turning a blind eye since I couldn't prove it and I didn't feel like investigating, but now... It's not just Anne anymore. I can't ignore that two humans know about us. I work for Keeping The Secret, Eros. My entire life is dedicated to making sure that humans don't find out, so that the human race won't start a war against us. We don't want them to panic."

"Oh," I realized. "You're going to wipe their minds."

She nodded. "You know I have to. It's my job. It's also the right thing to do."

I knew she was right. I'd spend a lot of time thinking about KTS when I'd still thought I would get an internship with Cornelia, when I'd still had the power to control minds. If I had been able to continue down that path, I would get a job like hers, wiping anything supernatural from the minds of humans. It was the safest thing for everyone. History had shown us that every time too many humans found out, they tried to either wipe us out of existence or harness our powers for themselves. KTS was there to keep the balance, to protect the humans from supernatural like vampires and werewolves while also making sure humans wouldn't form an army to gun us down. In theory, I was all for that. I had been ready to use my powers for that good cause. Now that it was Anne, it just felt wrong though. Greg didn't need to know, his mind should be wiped from the trauma that had occurred tonight, but Anne was dating a witch. Her best friend was a vampire. She needed to know, or her life as she knew it would be over.

Supernatural Boarding School #3 - A Brush of Death ✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora