Chapter 11 - Eros

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Eros' point of view

Springfield looked nothing like I remembered it. Last time, I had been with Demona and Simon. Even though Demona had been nervous about the whole search for her dad, we'd all been in a pretty good mood, singing along with the radio and bickering just for the hell of it.

Now, I was alone. The weather seemed to be going along with my mood, since it was cold and it rained. When I finally pulled up to Ryker Pontus' apartment, it was pitch black outside. I wasn't sure he'd even be awake at this point. Much like Dylan, I didn't really live on any kind of schedule these days. I guess that's what being a vampire without school or a job does to you. Why wake up at a certain time or go to bed when it gets dark? Or light, for that matter. Was Ryker on a vampire schedule? Or was he living like a human? Only one way to find out...

Much like the only other time I had stood in front of his home, he called for me to wait while he got his many, many locks undone. He kept a few chains on, paranoid as he was, while he looked at me through the small crack between the doorpost and the door itself.

"Eros Slayer," he said in his deep voice. "I've been expecting you for some time now."

Before I could make sense of that response, he shut the door. I could hear him unlocking the last few chains. A moment later, he opened the door wide, revealing his wild grey beard that formed a shrill contrast with his bald head. He already had on his coat and was holding an umbrella.

"The Hammons Tower again?" I suggested.

Ryker looked at me like I had three heads. "Are you insane? We can't go to the same place we did last time! Keeping The Secret surely bugged that place once they discovered we dined there. No, I have a better idea..."

Turned out that his idea of a good, secure place to talk was a karaoke bar on the top floor of an office building. I was afraid of asking why he thought this place was safe, since it might make him doubt his decision and I didn't feel like driving around with him shouting directions at me yet again. I'd almost forgotten the man was absolutely bonkers.

"Scotch?" Ryker didn't wait for me to respond. Leaving me at the entrance, he dashed off to get us both a glass of liquor.

It took him quite a while to get back to me, most likely because he kept checking for hidden microphones and cameras. At least it gave me some time to check out the place for myself. It was an extremely girly bar, with pink glitter everywhere. Most people in here were, in fact, girls, wearing stiletto heels and professional looking outfits. If I had to guess, I would say they working in the building and went here after work to let their hair down. Most of them were on their umpteenth drink, judging by their hysterical laughter, wide eyes and flushed cheeks. Some were barefoot, their heels discarded in a corner. Two girls were on stage, singing a Taylor Swift song like their lives depended on it. Gotta love karaoke.

"Here you go." Ryker appeared at my side, handed me a large scotch and grabbed my arm to pull me to a corner booth that had just become available. "You must be here about Demona Hollow. I heard about her dreadful faith." He took a gulp of his drink and sighed in content. "Horrible, what happened to her. From what I heard from my courses, you were involved?"

Instead of answering, I gulped down most of my drink in a matter of seconds before setting it back down in front of me. I knew I shouldn't be drinking, but I needed some liquid courage. Surely Demona would understand.

And so what if she doesn't, a little voice inside of me whispered, it's not like she'll ever know. Like she'll ever know anything ever again. Thanks to you.

In response to my inner demons, I finished my drink and motioned for the waited to get me a refill.

"You guessed correctly," I told Ryker, who was staring at me with a curious look in his eyes. "I've been trying to get her out of her coma, but no luck so far. To help her, I need to find her uncle, Benjamin Foul. Again, no luck so far. I need your help."

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