Chapter 52 - Simon

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Simon's point of view

"So?" I asked Eros when he walked into my motel room that night. "How's our girl?"

"Hey!" Sheila elbowed me in the ribs. She meant for it to be playful, but she kept forgetting that she was too strong for that kind of stuff. It hurt. "I'm your girl!"

Eros wasn't in the mood for jokes. He sat down on a chair and stared at the ground. "She won't back down," he said darkly. "Every time, every single time, she just keeps arguing, willing me to see things her way. She doesn't seem to understand that I can't. I can't agree to taking that power from her. It's hers. You know as well as I do that she feels whole when she has it, like it was always supposed to be there."

I knew what he meant – the power of mind control truly felt like it was meant for Demona in every way, but I had come to see things in a different light this past week. Just because something was meant for you, didn't mean you couldn't decide to go another way.

"Demona and I were meant for each other," I said softly.

Sheila inhaled sharply and Eros looked up to stare at me.

"What did you say?" he asked, shocked.

"We all know it's true," I said, mustering up the courage to just come out and say it. "She and I have a bond because we are meant to be in each other's lives. You and her only share a bond because her dad put a piece of bone into your ankle. Yet here we are. She's madly in love with you and I'm happier than I've ever been with Sheila."

"True," Sheila stated, relaxing now that she understood where I was going with this. "We are."

"So?" Eros asked. "Seriously Summers, why are you kicking me while I'm down?"

"I'm just saying what I'm always telling you; don't get so hung up on supposed to be and meant to be. Who cares what the freaking universe wants for you? You and Demona never cared about that. You always do whatever the hell you want. Why not make your own decision this time, like you always do? So what if the power is originally hers. You saw what it did to her father. I think she's right. You're far better equipped to handle the mind control than she is."

"Besides," Sheila added, "maybe you're meant to take this power from her, so she won't hurt other people, so she won't go crazy. You don't know what the hell you're meant to be doing, none of us do. You might as well just do whatever you think is right, since the universe sucks at making proper plans, obviously."

"Yeah..." Eros sighed. "I know. Maybe you're right. I don't know. I just don't like that I have to take something from her. It feels like... like I don't deserve it."

"Eros!" I got up and put a hand on his shoulder. "As someone who was your bondmate for four months, let me tell you this: you do. You deserve to wield the power that you trained and trained and trained to control. You deserve to save your girlfriend. You deserve to get that job at KTS with Cornelia. You deserve the whole world. Just do it. Take your chance. Embrace it."

We just looked at each other for a while until he cleared his throat and pushed my hand away from him.

"Sappy as ever, Summers," he teased, but I could tell that I'd somehow found the right words. He looked way less glum than he had a few minutes before. He got up and stretched his long limbs. "I guess I'll go have a conversation with Cornelia about this, then. I'm not saying I will do it, but I did promise Dem I'd consider it. Might as well make it an informed decision."

After Eros left, Sheila and I got back to what we'd been doing before he'd walked in: kissing. Before things could get too heated, I stopped her. There was something I needed to tell her. Something I had been struggling with ever since I'd thought of it. Eros had helped me get everything in place, but I still hadn't told Sheila. I had to lie to her and I hated that. I was no liar.

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