School shooting

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I quickly let go of Alex's face and turn around to see Trevor. HE'S HOLDING A GUN AT ALEX.

Trevor: Deals off Lani
Alex: What
Leilani: Tre-

Before i can say anything HIS GUN GOES OFF. Before i can even process what happened people where rushing out of thier class rooms and running to the back doors. I see Trevor start running with the others. I look for Alex but im getting taken back by herds of people. There all screaming,yelling, and crying. Im getting bumped into and thrown around. My eyes landed on Alex. HE WAS BLEEDING TREVOR SHOT HIM. I thrust my self forward. I get to Alex and he's holding his side thats bleeding.

Leilani: OMFG ALEX

I lift up his head on my knee.

Alex: Lani....

Just then loads more people start coming. I get kneed in the face and my lip starts bleeding. Shit its busted. BUT ALEX JUST GOT SHOT.

I put my hands on his wound to put pressure on it. He whines in pain. I go harder and it stops the bleeding. I start crying my eyes out as people keeps ramming into me. THEN I HEAR ANOTHER SHOT. Now everyone is screaming louder then ever and sprinting out of the school. I hold Alex tighter.

Leilani: You'll be ok

But then i feel someone pull me off of him. Before i knew it the paramedics were all around Alex and i was over someone's shoulder getting carried.


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