The Secret

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I then see Giovanni towering behind me. Trevor see's Giovanni and immediately backs away.

Trevor: Damn alright...

Trevor starts to walk away and I look at Gio.

Leilani: thanks but I could have handled it my self
Giovanni: Yea because letting someone moleste you is handling it

I roll my eyes.

Leilani: yea ok whatever...
Giovanni: You looking for Alex?
Leilani: I guess yea
Giovanni: He isnt here
Leilani: wait why
Giovanni: We had a job to do yesterday and he got hurt
Leilani: WAIT WHAT
Giovanni: Dont worry he didn't get shot or nun he just twisted his ankle and he's healing
Leilani: Oh god...

I then remember Alex is a Santos of course he's going to get hurt at times.

Leilani: Gio
Giovanni: Yea
Leilani: Do you kill people?
Giovanni: Not yet
Leilani: Oh God
Giovanni: I'm a dealer like Alex ion kill...well unless they dont have my money then either you gotta hurt then really bad or kill em
Giovanni: dont worry I havnt killed anyone yet
Leilani: Ugh...

Just then I see that cake face bimbo walking up to us.

Just then I see that cake face bimbo walking up to us

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Then as she's getting closer I put my back to Gio. I then see that she's recording me and Gio.


she says as she shoves the phone in my face. At one point she gets user close I lean back and loose my balance. Gio catches me and I look up at him and smile.


He then puts me up straight and I glare at Hailey.

Hailey: So Leilani tell me WHAT HAPPENED WITH ALEX
Leilani: cut the bullshit orona
Hailey: damn someone's on thier period

She says as again she shoves the phone in my face. I then grab her phone and slam it on the ground.


I snicker and Hailey picks up her phone and it isnt harmed.

Leilani: what do you think I was going for

She then glares at me and I smile.

Giovanni: oof
Leilani: Also stop acting like a dumb bitch when you know God Damn well me and Alex are still together
Hailey: So what are you and Giovanni then huh?

Giovanni looks at me and I look up at him. I then wrap my arms around his waist.

Leilani: He's my bestfriend

Giovanni hugs me back. Hailey looks at us in disgust.

Leilani: You can leave now

She then gives us one final glare and walks away. I then let go of Gio. So he let's go of me.

Guovanni: Bestfriends huh?
Leilani: Yea
Giovanni: how about boyfrie-
Leilani: Dont be stupid

We both laugh and that's when I see Alex coming out from a black car. I look at him and he looks fine. He gets to me and Gio and me and him hug and kiss.

Giovanni: I thought you weren't coming?
Alex: Yea well I had to do something
Leilani: and what's that?
Alex: Its fine baby you dont worry

He kiss me but I'm feeling unsure...

Alex: Gio I'll tell you later
Giovanni: ight
Leilani: Whatever this is better not be anything bad
Alex: mhm..

Gio and Alex exchange a glance and then they both look at me...I dont have a good feeling about this...

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