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The guy scans me and licks his lips.

Unknown: Damn...
Leilani: Huh?
Unknown: I mean hi
Leilani: Hey...
Unknown: Oh yea um..I'm a friend of Alex

He extends his hand out. I shake his hand.

Unknown: You must be the girl he cant shut up about huh?
Leilani: Uh...I guess
Unknown: Now I know why he cant stop..

He scans my body again and his grip tightens on my hand.

Leilani: Ok sorry um...who are you
Unknown: I'm Oliver
Leilani: Oliver?
Oliver: Yea the one and only

We both out our hands to our sides.

Leilani: Well come in

He comes inside and rubs his hands together. I close to the door tightly. I hold the lock in place ready to face Oliver. Just then I turn around Oliver and he's towering over me. He places one hand on the door and the other just relaxing at his side. His face is close to mine. My breathing quickens. He looks at my lips and then back to my eyes.

Leilani: Uh...Oliver w-what are you doing

His hand that was once resting at his side was now on my waist. I could feel myself start getting red.

Oliver: Isnt it obvious...I'm into you

I then give myself a reality check.

Leilani: Well I'm with Alex

His grip tightens on my waist.

Oliver: You think I care?

I then put my hands on his chest.

Leilani: I think you would if he knew about it

His eyes widen at my response and then they relaxe. He backs away from me and chuckles. He then makes his way to my living room. I sigh of relief. Just then there's a knock at my door. I open it to find.

 I open it to find

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Leilani: uh hi...
Unknown: Hi um I'm here because of Alex
Leilani: Yea I'm his girlfriend
Unknown: oh so I'm at the right place
Leilani: Yea

I open the door up a bit more. He walks in and Oliver comes out of the living room.

Oliver: Aye my man Diego
Diego: wassup

They do thier handshake thing and then they both look at me. Oliver places a hand over Diego's shoulder.

Leilani: Hi Diego I'm Leilani
Diego: Wassup Lei

I smile and then there's another knock at the door. I turn around and open it.

Leilani: Hello

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Leilani: Hello

He looks at me with an annoyed face.

Caden: Which one are you
Leilani: excuse me...
Caden: Yea like are you side chick 11 or 14

My eyes widen at his rude remark.

Leilani: No actually I'm the girlfriend

He then leans in closely to my face. For a split second his eyes wonder off to my lips and then quickly snap back to my eyes. Anyone could have missed it.

Caden: Of course you are

He then steps back and rolls his eyes. Just then Oliver and Diego see him.

Oliver and Diego: CADEN

Cadens eyes widen and light up as he see's his friends. He then shoulder checks me as he walks in. I rub my shoulder and just watch them "celebrate". Just then there's another knock at the door. Oh great who now another jerk or man slut. I open the door and my eyes widen at the sight of...

Love Lust And Lies (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora