Red Knife

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Just then the bell rings.

Leilani: well I better get to class I've gotta test
Alex: ok babe

I pull her in and her soft lips touch mine. We then pull away and smile at eachother. She then starts walking towards the entrance of the school. I watch her get all the way inside. Once she's inside I turn to Gio.

Giovanni: Did we get a last minute job or what
Alex: nah something else
Giovanni: Bro tell me
Alex: last night when me and Leilani were having a moment I took off her shirt to reveal a hickey on her chest

Giovanni's eyes hidden...

Giovanni: And it wasnt from you
Alex: heh I wish
Giovanni: Then who was it from...

I then see Giovanni tense up a bit...

Alex: She told me it was Trevor

Giovanni then relaxes his body.

Giovanni: Really?
Alex: Yea
Giovanni: So when are we gonna beat his ass
Alex: 4th period he has free period by then
Giovanni: ight sounds good...and do you have your knife
Alex: Man you know I do
Giovanni: damn

I then pull out a giant red pocket knife.

Giovanni: You wanna make Trevor your first kill?
Alex: I dont know yet

Giovanni smirks and I do too.

Giovanni: So you ain't going to class
Alex: nah because you see if I do kill him I would be a suspect 1 because I was at school so it could be me and 2 I just dont feel like going to school
Giovanni: heh ight but I'm going text me man
Alex: ye

We then do the handshake and Giovanni starts to walk inside. I look down at my knife and I imagine Trevor's blood on it.

Alex: pobre niño

I then chuckle lighting under my breath and I head to the back of the school and I decide to sleep againts the brick wall until its 4 period..... Its 3rd period and I'm getting restless. Then when it gets to 4th period I jerk up and start looking for him. About 4 minutes pass and I dont see him outside. I grunt knowing he must be inside instead. I put my pocket knife in my pocket and start to walk inside. I walk around to hear Trevor humming to himself in the bathroom. I then text Giovanni and in less then 2 minutes he's here.

Giovanni: You ready
Alex: Yea

We then enter and bathroom and Giovanni shuts and locks the bathroom door. So now it's just me, Giovanni, and that little bastard.

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