Years Pass So Quickly

Start from the beginning

The plane landed, and the limo took them to a hotel. 

Jayla was relieved that it wasn't the same hotel that Nate lived in, but she wasn't sure if Nate was still in the Army or running his business. 

Jayla told her daughter where Nate lived and said she could go and see him if she wanted.

Jayla took Natalie for a walk to where her father's office was, 

"Nat, it's up to you if you want to see him?".

 "Mum are you sure you're alright with this?". 

 "Natalie, I've kept you away from him too long, and I want to find out if he ever did sign the divorce papers". 

 "Okay let's go see him". 

 Jayla walks into the building and holds Natalie's hand, she walks towards his reception and the woman, asks what they want, and Jayla says, 

"Could you please tell Nate his Army buddy is here to see him?".

 "Okay one moment". 

 "Mr Henderson, there's an Army buddy out here that would like to see you".

 Jayla then heard her say, 

"She very beautiful and she as a young girl with her". 

 "Sorry, he doesn't want to see anyone". 

 Jayla looked at her daughter, 

"Come on mum, he's not worth it, now I know why you left him". 

 Jayla strokes her daughters face, 

"Could you please tell Nate, that Colonel Jayla Miller would like him to sign the divorce papers?". 

"I will give him the message, but he's been married for over eighteen years". 

 Jayla saw the receptionist give Nate the message, she and her daughter just turned and walked towards the lobby and out the doors. They walked back to the hotel and sat in the restaurant, 

"Mum, I'm really sorry".

 "Natalie, I wanted you to meet your father, come on sweetheart, I've had you for fourteen years and I never told him, so it's my fault really. You got nothing to apologise for". 

 Jayla kisses her daughter on the cheek, 

"Let's eat, and maybe we go back this afternoon, he would have gotten the message by then". 

Natalie smiles, 

"Only if you are sure, but I would like to do some shopping?". 

 "We are here for a month, so you'll have plenty of time". 

They had lunch and then went for a walk around the shops before going back to Nate's office again

Jayla walks up to the receptionist and noticed it was a different one, 

"Hi, could we see Nate please?". 

 "One moment and I'll try and reach him. Mr Henderson, there someone here to see you, I will tell them. Mr Henderson is too busy to see anyone". 

 "Okay, thank you, I leave my card for him, please make sure he gets it". 

 Jayla and Natalie leave and go for a walk, Jayla showed her where her father lived when she lived there. 

They went into the lobby and Jayla saw a face she recognised, it was one of the receptionists that were there when she lived there, she walked over to her and the woman recognised her straight away,

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