There weren't many words and actions that could woo her and that was only normal, considering the fact that she had lived without affection for all her life, so she had no clear idea of how it felt – and because of that, she didn't find it the least bit attractive, she didn't know what it was, what it could or could not, and she was so secretly afraid of the dark and the unknown that it was almost ridiculous.

Lisa's stubbornness surprises her. Lisa's sudden devotion shocked her. The fact that she'd gone far enough to accept herself as she is now wholeheartedly, made Jennie learn to accept herself as well. Lisa is still optimistic despite the fact that her life was like a surviving perdition. Jennie knew that she could never compare the kind of damnation she had to the ones Lisa had gone through all her childhood life. We had our own kind of hell, and the choices we make reveal the true nature of our character because the way you treat yourself sets the standards for others, nevertheless, loving yourself and still forgiving others regardless of what they thought and made you put through, will always characterize a person as pure soul – and Lalisa Manoban is a pure soul.

There was a void inside Jennie, full of blues and animosity that no one saw in her but Lisa alone and mended everything with her pure love.

Heaving a sigh, Jennie raised her head, her gaze immediately falling on Lisa's tall figure, and wondered how she'd managed to land in such a situation, how destiny seemed to have, yet again, gotten a hold of her and, considerably against her will, shaken her so roughly she was sent on another path altogether. How had she ended up with such a pure loving wife?

Would there be a chance for her to be this happy if she never crossed paths again to this person?

Jennie doubted it.

Jennie loved Lisa so much that if she left again, it would be like another beyond-her-understanding-ill-fated-chapter.

Standing up, she heaved another sigh and crossed her arms over her chest. Lisa seemed peaceful and content, her face relaxed in her sleep. Jennie was always amazed when she looked at Lisa, not because of her looks, but because of the fact that everything she had ever wanted was now right in front of her.

Jennie lay in their bed, next to the deeply breathing Lisa. She gazed upon the ceiling thinking about one particular matter. Two weeks ago, she woke up early that morning feeling perfectly fine, but suddenly rushed to their bathroom, as there was a rumbling in her stomach, and then she threw up. Then the same instance happened every day and she was positive it would be an immediate rerun to this approaching morning. Lisa, being somewhat dumbly cute as she is, thought she was ill again and was always found at least three feet away from her. Jennie knew well that the pregnancy was a vexing sickness. Perhaps it depends on which way you look at it.

Jennie was also envisioning back when this episode might have followed. Two and a half weeks ago, Jennie had woken up in the middle of the night, and as she wanted to go back to sleep, she wrapped her arms around Lisa before kissing her on the neck, then snuggled closer to her. Lisa took this the wrong way and the result was – Jennie didn't get any more sleep that night. Yes, that was probably the cause of her troublesome state. Jennie smiled, not for the reason that she hadn't enjoyed it.

Jennie began to think about how to break the news to Lisa. Jennie turned her head to look at the blonde. Lisa was baby-like and cute when she slept – Jennie thought as she ran her fingers through Lisa's disheveled blonde bangs.

"No, scratch that, my Lili's handsome, period." Jennie whispered.

Jennie went out of her way to seduce Lisa, though considering their status of, basically, newlyweds - again, such a thing was easy to do. All either one of them had to do was look at the other and they ended up in bed - or just stripping each other down wherever they stood. They had found freedom in marriage and in living together again that had eluded them before, and were now far better; they had found a routine with each other.

The Beginning of the End - JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now