Thirty five // couple

Start from the beginning

Calum laughs again. Why is he thinking this is so funny?

"Alright. You like your independency" He mocks me "You should wear a T-shirt saying Georgia needs nobody"

"And you should wear one saying Annoying asshole" I fire back and this time I end up laughing as well "Anyway, I think I'm gonna call her"

"I think it's a good idea" Calum encourages "You don't have any meetings today?"

"No" I simply say

Maybe I do but I'm too pissed off at my boss to care. I grab my phone on the table seeing the 7 missed calls from Clark on the screen but stop myself before I unlock the device.

"Maybe I should just text her" I tell him "Calling is too much"

"For fucks sake, are you going to propose to her?" He jokes "Just do it already"

I roll my eyes at his sensitivity but laugh anyway. I shouldn't be this nervous but it's Calum's sister we are talking about. I still want her to like me. I unlock my phone and look for Mali's number before pressing call. It rings three times before she picks up.


I look up at Calum who is holding back a laughter.

"Hi Mali" I weakly say "It's Gia"

"Hi, Gia. How are you, love?"

She's always so sweet that I almost wonder why was I so nervous. Because I'm pathetic, that's why.

"I'm good and you?" I say much more relaxed now

"Same here"

"So Mali, I was wondering if you wanted to do something today" I suggest "I have the day off and I thought we could-"

"Absolutely" Mali is quick to agree "I'd love to. Do you want to go out for lunch?"

"Yeah, lunch is fine" I nod even though she can't see me

"Great. I'll be there at noon to pick you up"

"I can drive you two" Calum offers

"There you are" Mali laughs "Sorry bro, go keep yourself busy because today is girls only"

"Alright, bye Mali"

And with that, Calum ends the call.

"Calum!" I scold him "You hung up on her"

"She's annoying" He chuckles "Plus you're gonna spend the entire afternoon with her, give me some attention"

"Oh my God" I get up from my seat to sit on Calum's lap "Someone is needy"

"It's not you" He says lacing his arms around my torso "Because Georgia needs nobody"

"Shut up" I roll my eyes at him before kissing his lips

"I can't believe you made me late" I yell over at Calum while stepping out of the shower

"You weren't complaining 10 minutes ago" I hear him say and I can even picture the proud grin on his face

"Your sister will be here in 20 minutes and I don't even know what I'm gonna wear"

"Don't worry babe, she can wait"

I wrap a towel around my body to choose what I'm wearing for the day. Calum calmly enters the room with a bowl of cereal and sits on my bed to watch me rummage through my suitcase.

"What do you think I should wear?" I ask while looking for something good enough

I don't know where we're going. What if she wants to go somewhere fancy?

REMEMBER // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now