Chapter 74.

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Chapter 74.

Nikki's POV

I rolled over and moved my arms so, I would be cuddling Carly. My arm fell flat on the bed and I opened my eyes, where's Carly? I sat up and yawned. "Carly?" I called. No answer. I stood up and walked to her bedroom, not there. I walked to the bathroom, not there. I walked to the living room, not there. I walked all over the house and she's not here. I looked outside and noticed her car gone. I didn't see a note, she always leaves a note if she's leaving and I'm not around or if I'm asleep. I walked over to my phone to see if she left a message.

"Hey, Nikki. It's Tommy. If you're wondering where Carly is, she's at my house. You really fucking scared her, man. She stayed the night at my house, don't come here to get her. She will come home when she's ready." One more message. "Tommy, don't call again. I don't wanna see him." I heard Carly's voice, faintly. She doesn't wanna see me? "Hold on," Tommy said. "Nikki, I mean it. Don't come here. She will come home when she's ready. And honestly, hearing what you did, I don't want to see you right now." End of messages.

What did I fucking do!? Why doesn't she want to see me? I'm drawing a blank from last night. All I remember is Carly and I watching movies and after that, I can't remember. I dialed Tommy's number. After a few rings, I heard, "hello?" It's Carly. "Baby, hey." I said. The line went dead. I looked at the phone before putting it down again. Why doesn't she even wanna talk to me? I felt hurt wash over me, her not talking to me and not wanting to see me is really hurting me. I walked back to my room and slipped a shirt on and then slipped my shoes on. I grabbed my keys and walked out to my car. I don't care if they don't want to see me, I need to know what's going on.

After a little bit of driving, I parked behind Carly's car outside of Tommy's house. I got out of the car and walked up. I knocked on the door. I heard footsteps walking towards the door. The door opened and Carly looked up at me, fear washed over her face. "Carly–" I cut myself off when she went to slam the door shut. I used my arm to block it. "Hey, stop! I just wanna talk to you!" I said, pushing the door open. "I don't want to talk to you!" She exclaimed. "I'm so confused, why? What did I do last night?" I asked. She crossed her arms over her chest. "You really don't remember?" She asked. "I really don't!" I exclaimed. "Please, come home. We can talk." I said. "What's going on?" I heard Tommy.

He walked out of the kitchen. "I said, don't come here." He said, clearly agitated. "I had to! Nobody is telling me anything!" I said. He rolled his eyes. "You really don't remember?" He asked. "Once again, no! I don't remember anything!" I replied. This is getting ridiculous. I'm completely clueless. "You held a gun to Carly!" He said, raising his voice. "What..?" I asked, clearly shocked. I looked back at Carly and she looked scared, still. "I did that to you?" I asked. "You accused me of cheating on you and then you got angry with me and pulled a gun out and pointed it at me." She said. I felt my face drop. "I-I don't remember that, Carly. I would never hurt you–" "You tried to fucking kill her!" Tommy spoke up. "You fired a shot!" He added on.

I looked back at Carly. She nodded. "Oh my god," I said, quietly. "You went through a drug induced psychosis." She said. "That's probably why you don't remember it and you were also drinking more than me so, you were probably drunk." She added on. "I'm not going through that now! Come home, please. We can talk." I said, getting desperate. She took a deep breath. "Nikki.." she started. I know this isn't good. "I think we should take a break, not break up. Just.. a break." She said, avoiding looking at me. "No, I don't want a break." I said, my heart beat picking up. "Well, I do. You traumatized me." She said, looking up at me. She has tears streaming down her face.

"Baby, please–" "Just leave, Nikki." She said, sniffling. I opened my mouth to say something but, quickly shut it. There's nothing I can say that'll make her change her mind. She's right, I traumatized her last night. I nodded and turned around and walked to my car. I looked back up at the house to see Carly full on sobbing. I felt tears fill my eyes. I don't cry easily, but if Carly's involved, if she's hurting, or if I hurt her, I cry. I can't stand seeing her so upset. It just makes me upset. I blew her a kiss and she sadly smiled and pretended to catch it and she put it on her cheek. She blew one back and I did the same as her.

I got in the car and looked out the window at her again and she slowly shut the door. As soon as the door shut, I lost it. I put my head on the steering wheel and started bawling. What the fuck is wrong with me!? Scaring and putting the person I love in danger, what the fuck is wrong with my head!? I finally sat up straight again and breathed out. I started to drive back to mine and Carly's house. I sighed and shook my head. I can't believe I did that to her. Carly's already been through so much, and I fire a gun near her? Memories of the time I saw Carly's Dad held a knife to her flooded my head.

"Frank, please come and get me!" Carly frantically said into the phone. I already got my keys and slipped my shoes on. "What's goin on?" I asked. "M-My Dad, he has a knife." She sobbed. "Please, hurry–" she cut herself off by screaming and the line went dead. I dropped the phone, not bothering to even hang it up. I ran to my car and got in. I sped down the road. I quickly got out of the car as soon as I parked and ran up to the house. I didn't bother knocking, I opened the door and saw her Mom. "What the fuck are you doing here!?" She yelled. I ignored her and quickly ran to where I heard Carly crying and screaming. I ran down the hallway and saw her Dad towering over her and Carly laying on the ground, crying and shaking. He has the knife by her neck.

"HEY!" I screamed. His head whipped to the side. "I'm getting real sick and tired of your druggie boyfriend coming here and stealing you." He spat. He put more pressure on the knife and I saw red trickle down her neck. I felt rage build up inside of me. I charged over to him and grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him away and shoved him. He hit the wall, and I grabbed Carly's hands. "Thank you," she kept crying and repeated over and over. I lifted her up bridal style and quickly started to run out of the house, her Dad hot on our trail. "Frank, I'm scared." She cried. I quickly ran out of the house and ran to my car, I got in, with her still in my arms and sped off. She crawled over to the passenger seat and looked in the mirror.

"He cut me pretty deep." She cried, looking at the blood going down her neck. "We can take you to a hospital, you're staying with me for a while. You can't go back there." I said. She sniffled. "I wish he would've just killed me, Frank. I'm tired of his life." She sobbed. I pulled over to the side of the road and looked at her. "Carly." I said. She didn't look over. "Carlotta, look at me." I said, sternly. She looked over at me. "Do not say stuff like that. I'm so happy you're alive, I'm glad he didn't kill you. If he would have, I would have killed him. You are my best friend, you're my Starry Eyes. I promise you, I will take you away from there one day. And we will live on our own, we can have movie marathons everyday, you will be happy everyday. You'll never be scared, you'll never have to fear for your life ever again. I promise you that." I said. She smiled a little. "Really?" She asked. "Yes, really. You have my word." I smiled at her and leaned over and kissed her head.

I promised her that she would never be scared, she would never fear for her life ever again and I went back on my word. I'm the biggest asshole in the world. I parked and walked in the house, I shut the door behind me and looked around. This house seems so big and quiet without Carly in it. I miss her so much already. I know this break is going to kill me.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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