Chapter 50.

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Carly's POV

I've been handcuffed for an hour now, luckily I haven't had to use the bathroom because I honestly have no clue how I could do that. I laid back and sighed and looked over at the window. I'm going to kill Nikki when I get out of this. I heard footsteps walking towards the bedroom and I sat up. I saw Tommy walk in. I smiled wide. "Did you get it?" I asked. He nodded and held up the keys. "You're the best!" I said and stood up. I turned around and I felt the cuffs come off my wrists. "Thank you!" I said and hugged him tightly. He laughed and hugged me back. "No problem." He said.

I smiled and walked out to the living room. Nikki looked up and his eyes went wide. "Carly, what are you doing out here?" He asked. "Well, I got tied up with something," I glared at him. "But, I got everything sorted now." I said and sat down in his lap. "I'm going to attack you when the boys leave," I whispered in his ear. He chuckled. "Sure, small one." He said. Tommy walked out. "Why the hell do you have handcuffs?" Vince laughed. Nikki looked over and then felt his pocket. "How the fuck did he manage to do that?" He mumbled. I giggled. "Ask Carly and Nikki," Tommy said. Mick and Vince's head turned to us.

"Long story," we both said in unison. They laughed. Vince handed his hand out and Tommy tossed them over to Vince and sat down next to Mick. "Wow, where did you get these?" Vince asked. "I've had them for a while, I forget where I got them." Nikki shrugged. "You told me you just got them," I said. He winked at me. I rolled my eyes. "Were you guys having a good time before we got here?" Vince asked. "No, Nikki handcuffed me and then left me there." I said. Vince laughed.

"Nice," he chuckled. "You aren't helping." I laughed. "What are you gonna do to get him back?" Mick asked. "I dunno, but I'm not going to say it in front of him even if I did have an idea." I laughed. Vince smirked. "I have an idea," he said. I raised my eyebrows. "What is it?" I asked. Vince quickly got up and grabbed Nikki's arm, he handcuffed his wrist and then grabbed mine and cuffed mine. "Vince!" I exclaimed. "What did you do?!" Nikki exclaimed. I got up and reached for the keys on the coffee table and Tommy quickly grabbed them. "Why!?" I exclaimed. "Can you sit down so I can have my arm back?" Nikki asked.

"Shut up, this is your fault." I said. "My fault?!" He laughed. "Yes! If you didn't get them out in the first place, this wouldn't happen!" I exclaimed. "If you didn't lock me out of the house, naked might I add, I wouldn't have done this!" He replied. "If you didn't throw me in the pool while I was naked this wouldn't have happened!" I said. "If you didn't take that picture of me, that wouldn't have happened!" He exclaimed. The boys were laughing nonstop at this point. Nikki yanked his arm back to his side and I fell onto the couch. "You're a dick," I grumbled. "I'm the dick?" He laughed. I nodded. "I don't wanna be handcuffed to you!" I said.

"Tommy, give me the key." Nikki said, holding his free hand out. "Nah, I want this to continue on for a little while longer," he laughed. "Well, I gotta piss, so come on." Nikki said and stood up. "I'm not coming with you to pee!" I replied. "You don't really have a choice," he said, wiggling his hand in the air. "You're gonna have to hold it!" I said. "Nope, let's go, small one." He said and started to walk. I fell off the couch and quickly scrambled to my feet. "Nikki, no!" I whined, planting my feet to the ground. He turned and faced me. "Either, you come with me willingly, or I yank my arm and you fall flat on your face, it's your choice." He said, laughing.

"I won't fall on my face," I said, crossing my arms. Nikki's arm followed. "Can I have my arm back?" He laughed. "No!" I said. "I gotta piss." He said. "I'm not going to stand in there while you hold your dick with my hand right next to yours," I said. "It's not like you've never seen it! You've given me blowjobs," he said. I heard the boys erupt with laughter. I turned my head and glared at them. "Now, come on, Starry Eyes." Nikki said and yanked his arm and started to walk, I stumbled and followed. "I mean it, I'm starting to hate you." I grumbled as he shut the bathroom door. He laughed. "You don't mean that, baby." He said. I cracked a smile when he called me that.

"Aw, see you're smiling!" He said and walked over to the toilet. "I don't want to be here while you pee, I don't want to see your soft dick." I said, laughing. "Well, just don't look." He chuckled. I turned my head and I heard his pants being unzipped. "I hate this," I whined. Nikki chuckled and started to pee. "It's not that bad, at least we're close to one another." He said. I smiled. "I guess," I said. I heard his pants being zipped up and the toilet flush. "You can look now," he laughed and moved over to the sink. I looked down at the sink and he turned on the water and washed his hands. "You're getting my hand wet," I stated. "Hm, wonder why that is." He replied.

"You don't have to be a dick about it." I said. "You've been using that word a lot when you're talking about me." He laughed as he dries his hands. He opened up the door. "After you," he said. I laughed and little and walked out with him right by my side. "Okay, you've had your fun–" I began. "Nikki, where did they go?" I asked. I looked around and the living room is empty, their shoes are gone. I quickly ran over to the window. "They fucking left! Tommy has the key!" I exclaimed. "I'm going to kill you," I said turning and facing him. "I didn't know this was gonna happen!" He laughed. "Either way, you're going to die when I get uncuffed." I said. "If that's ever," he chuckled.

"You are not fucking helping!" I exclaimed. He laughed. "It's not so bad, do you really hate being cuffed to me?" He asked. "Well, I hate having my hand restricted," I replied. "So you don't hate being cuffed to me?" He smirked. "You're not amusing, I hope you know." I said. He laughed. "Maybe they left the key." He suggested. I looked over at the coffee table. "I don't see it there," I said. "Maybe they hid it?" He asked. "Or maybe you have band mates that are dicks." I replied. "Is that your word of the day or something?" He asked. I scowled and walked around the house, looking for the key.

After we looked through the whole house, we've come to the conclusion that they took the key with them. "You can't keep us cuffed for that long!" Nikki exclaimed. I looked over at him on the phone. "Come back over here now!" He said. He groaned. "Fuck you, Tommy." He grumbled and hung up. "Well?" I asked. "He'll be back tomorrow to uncuff us." My eyes went wide. "All your fault!" I exclaimed. "Hey, let's not forget who started this!" He replied. I groaned. "You're a–" "I know, a dick." He cut me off, I groaned louder. "I'm so mad at you," I said. "Aw, I love you, too." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, we're gonna be like this for a while, let's not argue." He said. I sighed. "Fine, you're right." I said. "Now, let's make something to eat." He said and started to walk to the kitchen and I tripped over my own feet and quickly followed. "You have longer legs than me, a heads up would be nice." I said, following behind him. He laughed. "Noted." He said.

I sighed and looked up at Nikki as he was looking in the cabinets for something to eat. I smiled a little. Maybe it's not so bad, I mean I don't like that my arm is restricted but, I don't mind being this close to Nikki. I gave Nikki a hug best I could. "You're bending my arm behind my back." He laughed. He wrapped his free arm around me. "What's with this hug? I thought you hated me," he chuckled. "You know I could never hate you," I said and smiled to myself.

(A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome! Okay bye👻)

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