Chapter 27 One Year (Final)

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*All Might POV*

"You're what?"

"I'm leaving Japan." She said with resolve.

For a moment my mind draws a blank on what to say. I just stare at her with my jaw dropped.

After regaining some composure I asked "Why? When? Where?"

"I'm going to I-Island, I'm leaving next week" her eyes dropped to the floor. She rubbed her palms on her coat.

"I-Island? To visit?" I hoped.

"No... " She bit her lip.

"I would be going to work and live there, you see I kind of reached out to Mr. Shield you know...About You" she glanced at me to see my reaction before she continued to babble.

"About you're quirk, about One for All and about my work on genetic quirk research. I sent him some ideas, but I didn't think he would offer me the chance to lead my own research team" she started to pace back and forth.

"He said, he was really impressed with my work and that he has been working on a few things for you as well and..." She stopped and looked at me.

"I just..." she was slightly out of breath.

"This is the only way I can really help you Tosh. I don't want to be the reason you can't save someone ever again. I don't want to be the reason you cant focus on you're students more."

"Bell" I interrupted.

"Saving people is what makes you, you Tosh. I want you to keep doing that as long as you can and I think I can find a way to help you get better."

I'm going to miss you so much.

I set aside my selfish desire to keep her here with me.

"Bell this is an amazing opportunity for you" In my excitement for her I transformed into my bulked up form. I pick Bell up and swing her in circles.

"This is you're dream! They will be lucky to have you"

Her eyes sparkled and her smile grew.

There's my Bell.

When I set her back on the ground. She pulls a photo from her coat and she hands it to me.

"I found this in the lounge today."

It's a picture of my students. Class 1A on their first day.

I look at the picture and realize how much they have grown, in only from a few months

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I look at the picture and realize how much they have grown, in only from a few months.

I look back up at Bell.

"You know Tosh, one person can't reach the whole world, not alone. But they are the heroes that will follow in your footsteps. You can guide the next generation to be what the world needs. The pillars of justice"

"They have come such a long way Bell, I can't wait to see who they become."

Pillars of justice. I like the sound of that.

"So...About... You know... Are you okay with this?" She checked.

"How could I not be Bell, this is going to be amazing for you"

"We wont be able to see each other as often, but it will only be for a year" she looked at me hopefully.

"A year?"

Her expression grew worried. "I know it's a long time, but-"

"You will come back to me in a year?"

"If you'll still have me" She smiled.

I raise my index finger. "One year Arabelle Silver"

"Not a single day more, I don't think I could survive it."

She gave me a blinding smile.

"One year" she agreed as she cracked her knuckles.

*Authors Note*

Hello :D I hope you enjoyed the story! If you have made it this far I just want to say thank you for reading!

I can continue this story, but Originally didn't want to make it to long. If anyone would like a second part let me know ^_^

P.S Remember to vote for your favorite chapters! It helps me know what you guys like reading 🙏

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