Chapter 16 The Truth

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*All Might POV*

Did she follow me!? I freaked.

How could I have been so careless.

"Am I still mistaken, sir?" She asked sarcastically from behind me.

Stealing my nerves, I turn around to face her.

She sheds her invisibility cloak and reveals her self leaning against the wall with her arms crossed in front of her.

My fear and embarrassment evolve into anger.

Through a clenched jaw I asked "How long have you been following me Bell?"

"Long enough to know Endeavor is a real peace of work" she responded coolly.

Keeping her distance, she pushed herself off the wall and stood across from me, eyes locked with mine.

"This is a bit obsessive, even for you!" I hissed.

Her eyes, two silvermoons glared at me.

"I don't like being made a fool of or lied to All Might!" She snapped.

"Well are you happy now? you got what you wanted! you figured out my big secret! Am I not allowed even this?! How dare I try to keep something personal to myself! how selfish!" I yelled at her.

She flinched at my raised voice and took a step away from me, eyes widening.

What am I doing?

I close my eyes and let out a deep sigh. My shoulders hunch.

"I just didn't want you to see me like this Bell"

"Why not ? Why would you hide this from me We are friends"

"If Im being honest, I'm not completely sure myself. I didn't want you to think I was weak, didn't want to see pity in You're eyes, but I shouldn't have lied to you Bell" I met her gaze once more. "I'm sorry"

"You idiot" She stomped toward me and I brace myself.

She wraps her arms around my waist and buries her face in my chest.

I hesitate for a moment before wrapping my arms around her and resting my head on hers.

Feeling lighter than I have since seeing Bell. I realize keeping this from her was exhausting. telling her the truth, no matter how it turned out was the right choice.

She leaned away to study my face before she responded with a warm smile and a sniffling nose "As if I couldn't recognize you're eyes anywhere"

My lips twist up in a smile.

"But how did this happen to you?" she asked with a furrowed brow, watery eyes and a red nose.

She is so beautiful.

Brushing off my desires, I continued. "I'm afraid that's a bit of a long story, and I have to get back before the award ceremony" I point to the teachers room behind me with my thumb.

Her face grew skeptical again and looked at
me sideways.

"But I will tell you" I promised.

"Yes you will" she confirmed with a nod before reaching up to cup my cheek. "It's good to have you back, Tosh" She said with a bright smile.  

Hearing her say my name raised a lump in my throat.

I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"No ones called me that in years" I laughed

"It didn't feel right until now" She giggled.

I find myself unable to move or look away from Bell.

Do you even realize what you do to me?

"How about dinner tonight?" she asked suddenly.


"Dinner" she repeated. "Long stories are best told with full bellies" she shrugged.

She peeked up at me through her full lashes and gave me a smile that pooled my heart.

How could I say no.

"Pick you up at 8:00?"

"Perfect! I'll see you at 8:00 then" she responded with a playful jab to my shoulder before walking away.

We are just friends, she made that clear already.

'We just confused being happy to see one another with something we have never felt for each other and never will'

The memory left me feeling slightly hollow.

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