Chapter 26 I'm Leaving

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*All Might POV*

Bell asked me to meet her on the schools roof top after school.

I wonder what it is she wants to talk to me about?

"Hey big guy" My favorite voice said.

"I cant believe this school year is already coming to an end! Final exams are right around the corner." She started.

"I heard you got Midoriya and Bakugou assigned to you. You cant take it easy on those two! They wont learn unless you get tough with them and tell them the truth." She continued.

"They remind me of the relationship Endeavor and I had when we were in U.A. I don't want that for them" I realized.

"Midoriya has always admired Bakugous strength. While Bakugou has never seen Midoriya as his equal, he refuses too."

"They could learn so much from each other. Bakugou thinks too highly of himself, that will stunt his growth as a hero if he thinks there is no room for improvement. Midoriya on the other hand would benefit from having more confidence in himself."

"Midoriya's advantage is that he never underestimates an opponent, he respects them too much to do that. He will always strive to improve himself because of this." I conclude.

"You have you're work cut out for you, but don't hold back" She advised.

"Recovery girl will have my head if I don't hold back" I predicted.

Belled sighed. "Ah, The things we do for the young ones" she winked at me.

I let out a small laugh.

I notice Bell keeping her distance from me.

"Nezu scheduled a meeting today with all teachers to discuss final exams and summer camp"

"Nice..." bell said sounding distracted. Her gaze fixed straight ahead.



"Everything okay?"

She met my gaze, but said nothing. My chest tightens.

After a moment she said "Yes."

Her smile didn't reach her eyes, and I knew she was lying.

I sat down across from her and rest my palms on my knees.

"Bell... Why did you want to meet here?"

She opened her mouth as if about to say something, but closed it again.

She started to pace back and forth in front of me, with crossed arms. Her brows pulled together while she bit her lip.

"You can tell me anything Bell, you know that right?" I checked.

She met my gaze and said the last thing I expected her to say.

"Tosh... I'm leaving"

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