Chapter 21 Train Me

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*All Might POV*

The first thing my eyes wake up to is Bell. Her long lashes, slightly parted lips, rosy cheeks.

She is stunning.

Her cheek rest in my hand while her fingers are wrapped around my wrist, pulled close to her chest. My free hand reaches for her and I brush strands of wild hair from her face.

I trace her features lightly, from her eyebrows down her nose, to her cupids bow and lips. I make sure to take my time and carve this memory into my mind.

No sunrise can compete with her.

She rustles under the sheets before opening her eyes slowly.

Her smile reaches her sleepy eyes. "Morning" she greets.

"Good morning"

She kissed the hand that cupped her cheek making me remember the taste of her lips last night.

I want to feel them again.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"Always" she chimed as she stretched.

I let out a chuckle.

"Before I start breakfast, do you have a tooth brush I can use?"

"Yup! let me grab it for you. I will start coffee" she offered.

When I come out of the bathroom Bell says "About last night"

I met her gaze and said "I meant every word Bell"

"So did I. I want the truth Tosh, all of it" her eyes held determination.

"All of it" I promised.

And so, I told her everything.

How my quirk was given to me and how I passed it on to young Midoriya. I told her about One for all and All for one.I told her about everyone who knew my secret and about my predecessor.

When I finished, she let out a long breath and said "Whoa"

"It's a lot" I agreed.

"I'm sorry about you're predecessor, she seemed like an amazing women" she frowned.

"She was. She raised me to be the hero I always dreamed of being" I explained. "She would have loved you"

"A power like that could corrupt society and the fact that it can be passed around like a hot potato, is just too tempting." She sighed.

"Another thing, I don't think you should keep using One for all anymore. It causes too much stress to you're body, its killing you."

"I'm fine Bell" I kiss her forehead lightly before heading to the sink with our dirty dishes.

"Nezu, makes sense, but Recovery girl knew the whole time!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, recovery saved my life after the fight with All for one, Tsukauchi as well." I explained.

"David Shield knows too huh... He is pretty amazing and his daughter too. The worlds most brilliant scientist live on I-Island and their labs are state of the art."

Maybe I should reach out to David for an invite.

Her gaze suddenly fixes and her eyes become stormy.

I reach for Bell's hand and pull her onto my lap. I wrap my arms around her.

"All for one" she says as she wraps her arms around me and rest her head on my shoulder.

"He might not be associated with the league of villains, but you cant go into this alone like you normally do." She continued.

She grabbed my face between both of her hands and I realize her eyes were glossy. "Promise me" Her voice quivered, lips trembled.

"I promise" Just don't look at me like that.

She pressed her lips softly to mine. "Thank you, for telling me...I love you"

Her words are like a shot of adrenaline.

"So!" She said changing the subject. "The students should be going off on their internships soon."  Her voice and eyes turned mischievous.

What are you up to.

"Uh. Yeah,  hopefully the kid gets some offers"

Bell lightly kisses my cheek before resting her forehead on mine and nuzzled our noses back and fourth. Her proximity is intoxicating.

"So, I have you all to myself for the next few days don't I?" She asked seductively.

"Ah yes" I let out a nervous laugh. "Do you have anything in mind?" My face turning hot.

"I do." she said looking at my lips.

You drive me crazy Bell.

"I want you... " She paused.

"To train me."

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