Chapter 3 Jinx

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*Arabelle POV*

I sneak a glance at All Might to my right as we walk to the clinic. I am about chest height to him. He is ridiculously tall, miles of muscle, beneath golden skin, that would make any girl fall for him.

I look away to prevent any gawking on my behalf and clear my throat.

The tension between us feels tangible.

There is so much I want to ask him, so much I need to know about how he left. but its not the right time. I remind myself.

"I think we are here" he points out. I hadn't notice him stop a few paces behind me. He now stood directly in front of the clinics double doors looking up to make sure he wasn't in the wrong.

I almost past the clinic without realizing it. "Oh... yeah... ha ha... looks like we are" I confirmed sheepishly.

The schools faculty was pretty much the only ones on campus today preparing for the hero course entrance exam tomorrow.

Thanks to recovery girl, the clinic rarely has anyone in here, especially not on entrance exam day.

"Alright, she should be in the supply room" I whispered to All Might. Suddenly tip toeing around him. "Im going to hide" I said. Excitement showing in my toothy smile.

I could use my quirk (force field) to hide, but I realize standing behind All Might would do the trick.

"Uh? Wait bell! Do I just stand here?" He questioned.

"Yup!" Confirmed.

I knock on the door and take my place behind All Might. Fighting the urge to wrap my arms around him and breath him in.

When was the last time I hugged him? My mind wondered as We wait for Jinx's to appear.

"One second!" She requested, before opening the door.

"Uh.. Hello there young miss" All might greeted.

"Oh. My. God!  Its you ! You are here! In the clinic !! You are here... is also what you say!! Haha! This is amazing !" She squeaked and clapped her hands in excitement.

"Wait are you ok? Are you not feeling well? Forgive me ! Please, come here! sit !" She commanded as she remembered her job.

I don't bother holding back my laughter.

"Come here! Sit !?" I repeated mockingly and reveal myself from behind All Might. "What? is he a puppy now?" I trolled.

"Ari!" Jinx exclaimed with a furrowed brow, both fist clenched at her side and cat ears slightly slanted down in the cutest way possible. "Thats not how I meant it!"

When I've tamed my giggles I introduce them. "All Might, this is Jinx! She is a nurse here at U.A and my best friend" I gesture to the small cat girl who now stands proud.

"Hiya there !" She placed one hand on her hip, the other hand raised in a Vulcan salute of all things and beamed a brilliant smile at him. "Its a pleasure to meet cha!"

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