Chapter 1 Arabelle

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"All Might is going to be teaching at U.A?" I asked.

"Yup! he will be in charge of the new first year students!" beamed Jinx as she took a bite of her sandwich.

Jinx is a nurse here at U.A. She helps recovery girl with students she doesn't completely heal.

I work for U.A's diagnostics & research lab, but I am qualified to perform primary aid if a student is injured.

I haven't seen All Might in years, since he left for U.A actually.

We've kept in touch throughout the years and while I would like to think that makes me special, I know better. I know not to think too much into it.

That's just the kind of person he is. I tell myself.

"You guys use to be neighbors way back when right? Jinx added.

"Yeah, but we haven't talked in a while" I muttered.

"Well that's going to change soon! I cant wait to meet him!" she exclaimed as she brushed a strand of bright orange hair behind her pointed ear.

"One autograph from All Might and I will be my nephews favorite aunt for ever! Its tough competition to be the favorite" she warned.

"I'm sure, especially when he has what? four aunts?" I taunted.

"six!" she fumed slapping one hand on the table. I cover my mouth to muffle my chuckle.

"I do miss him" I confessed "I can help him out if he needs anything" I added hopefully.

"hmm." She raised an eyebrow.

"Is that a twinkle I see in you're eye? my my my Ari, do you have a crush on the symbol of peace?!" she marveled.

You might not realize it when you first meet Jinx, but she is quick as a whip and can read people like a book. It might have something to do with her quirk (cat) or might just have something to do with Jinx.

"What in the world are you talking about? I just miss him, we use to be close growing up" I feel my cheeks and ears burning.

A wicked smile formed and I could see Jinx's golden cat eyes analyzing my facial expressions, deciphering their meaning. Her smug expression tells me that she has confirmed her suspicions.

"Ugh, ok sure what ever, but its not a big deal" I protested and rolled my eyes.

With a shrug, she adds "Cant say that I blame you Ari, he is kind of a big deal"

"Well, Im heading back to the office to make sure we are ready for tomorrow's entrance exams" she says as she rises from the table. She waves goodbye with a bright smile.

"Sounds good! I think I'm done for the day, I'll see you tomorrow" I replied and waved. After a few minutes I am ready to head out.

"And this is our lounge!" A familiar voice announced as the door flew open.

"All Might ! Prez! Hey Whats up!?" I babbled. Surprise written on my face.

"Oh Ari! I'm Just finishing up the U.A tour with All Might. He explained.

"This is Ara-"

"Belle" All Might interrupted in a soft voice laced with surprise.

I can't help the smirk that crosses my face upon seeing him and those brilliant blue eyes.

"Hey big guy" I replied playfully, nerves settling slightly. Placing one hand on my hip, and tilting my head slightly up to look at him, I say "It's been a while"

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