Chapter 24 Stay

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*Arabelle POV*

"How about Freckles? Where is he interning?" I asked as we made our way down stairs.

"He's with my old mentor, in Yamanashi. They should be fine, but neither one of them has answered my calls." He worried.

"The bullet train is closed, we are going to have to drive" I warned.

"We wont be able to get into the city if they are evacuating" His brows knitted together.

"Not that it will make a difference any way, not in this form." he added.

"When we get closer to the city, I can cloak us until we pass the evacuation sites." I offered.

"What good can we do like this Bell? how can we help people? If I wouldn't have..."

Don't say it. I thought.

"I knew this would happen." He began as we made it to the car. "Us being together will always end like this."

"What?" I stoped to face him.

"Bell, this kind of life was never meant for me" he continued. "As the symbol of peace, I am suppose to protect people, make them feel safe and give them hope. I wont be able to do that for any of these people today"

I process his words for a moment.

Is he right? was there someone All Might couldn't save today... because of me? because of us?

Warm tears run down my cheek.

"That's not fair" I cried. "How can you put this on you're self? how can you say us being together is the cause of these people suffering"

"I have a responsibility to my students, to society, to young Midoriya and I cant dedicate myself to them if I am with you." He whispered.

"Of course you can" I reach for his hand.

"Don't do this big guy" I peeked up at him. "Its so easy for you to blame yourself. You have always been like this, but I am not going to let you." I smiled weakly at him.

"Bell when I am with you, everything else around me disappears. You are all I see..." his warm fingers brush my cheek.

"And that's... Dangerous" he lowered his eyes.

how can his words warm my heart and break it as well.

"You deserve to be happy Tosh. That doesnt mean you wont be able to help people and give them hope. I will always be here for you. We can do this." I promised.

I put my hand on his chest and made sure I held his gaze. "Together"

His shoulders hunched and defeat was evident in his eyes.

"I think I should just go home." He said lastly.

He walked me back to the apartment, as I make my way inside; I realize Tosh stayed behind in the hallway. Hands in his pockets.

"Tosh?" I looked back at him.

Scratching the back of his dropped head he said. "I think I should go back to my place"

I walked toward him and leaned against the door frame. "I dont think you should be alone tonight" I whispered.

He met my gaze.

I tugged on his jacket.


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