14. The Truth sets you free...?

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Ava hadn't ever felt such dull solitude before. She always respected her parents' work and was grateful for the tiniest moment they spent with her. That kind smile and that noble aura... she treasured it dearly. Her father often told her about the situations they faced to teach Ava about the ways of life, and she always appreciated such knowledge. They'd always give it with a smile.

But now, as both of them left her while putting up their confident facades, Ava couldn't help but notice the perturbing aura hidden deep within their expressions. Her solicitous nature and ability helped her discern the changes in people's aura even though she was only five.

Nevertheless, Ava held deep faith in her parents. While such a sensation was unsettling, she would not let it weigh down on her daily practices. Moreover, she decided to indulge for longer time in meditation.

Ava took a deep breath as she stepped outside the building, the fresh air alleviating her worries a little. Her dainty hair that hung from a firm hold bounced as she walked. The strong breeze filled her eyes with little ebullience, though her mind was still trapped in a circle of concern.

A genuine smile was on her face as she passed the other Shadows. Her presence was silent and invisible, yet the benevolence made her stand out. The number of people decreased as she moved towards the various members of Nature in a steady pace. The fragrance of various herbs swirled around her, lightening her mind.

Her face brightened at the sight of the tree, it's grandeur immediately bringing out her humility. Her hands held each other behind her back till she came to a stop, closing her eyes.

The intense ambience formed a diaphanous door that only allowed Jay to enter the little balmy field. Such profound solitude couldn't possibly be found anywhere else, and the disturbance of the outside world began in a radius of almost a kilometre. She focused on that sensation, letting her energy flow into the tree. Her existence lightened with every passing second, her thoughts a million light years away as she no longer felt alive, but rather free.

The door began to grow thicker, appreciating the little girl's consciousness and was almost impressed. Ava remained composed even as she sensed the appearance of the gateway of vines, no sparks of childish ebullience disturbing her serenity.

Her eyes opened when she sensed the presence to be sure, giving a little smile. She reached for the door, opening it with a gentle push. A burst of incredulity settled in her mind and she suddenly felt alive.

Ava walked in slowly, sitting beneath the tree with her legs crossed, her feat placed on her thighs. She closed her eyes, forgetting all about existence as she entered deep solace. The soughing of the wind proved to help her concentrate further, though she was soon far away from the distance.

She couldn't even guess the amount of time that had passed, though in that space, time felt still. The little smile on her face was unmistakable, and Ava was happy to know Jay had such comfort.

Suddenly, a very strong presence brought her back to the real simulation. She turned sharply towards her right, drawn by the tranquility. She closed her eyes once again, trying to convey her thoughts without the use of words.

The green door appeared once again and Ava stood up, bowing in gratitude. She gently closed the mysterious structure, a humble smile on her face as it disappeared once again. She then jogged towards the source of the energy, anticipation welling within her.

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